
Food Additives

Common food additives such as artificial coloring, high-fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrate, and trans fat are found in processed food products. Many of these additive-filled processed food products are putting children at risk for endocrine, neurodevelopmental and thyroid disruption, cancer, heart disease, immunosuppression, oxidative stress, and weight problems. Despite studies (below), including numerous studies linking artificial food colors to ADHD, and warnings from top agencies and scientists, the FDA has undergone insufficient to zero regulatory testing on the safety and long term health outcomes of more than 10,000 food additive chemicals our children are now exposed to. Meanwhile, a national survey found about 60% of the calories consumed by Americans come from “ultra-processed” foods and beverages.

Food Additives and Child Health

A July 2018 study and policy statement by the American Academy of Pediatrics calls attention to the “more than 10 000 chemicals…allowed to be added to food in the United States” and the potential adverse effects on children’s health. Reproductive toxicology data are available for only 263 food additives, and developmental toxicology data are available for only two.

Changes in intestinal tight junction permeability associated with industrial food additives explain the rising incidence of autoimmune disease.

“Commonly used industrial food additives abrogate human epithelial barrier function, thus, increasing intestinal permeability through the opened tight junction, resulting in entry of foreign immunogenic antigens and activation of the autoimmune cascade.”

BBC television presenter Dr. Chris van Tulleken ate an 80% ultraprocessed food diet.
August 10, 2021

Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer

Brain scans from a BBC newscaster who ate 80% ultra-processed foods for four weeks showed his brain had created new links that increased the risk of repetitive eating, similar to the brain’s response to tobacco and alcohol.

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Nestlé’s former chief executive called it a 'nutrition, health and wellness company.'
June 24, 2021

Nestlé Wants You to Think It’s a ‘Health and Wellness’ Company — But 70% of Its Products Are Junk Food

As Nestlé seeks to become a global leader in food allergy treatments and personalized vitamins, the world’s largest food company hasn’t really changed — 70% of its products are junk food.

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Children as young as 2 years old are being bombarded with ads for fast food.
June 23, 2021

Big Food’s Massive Junk Food Ad Campaign Targets Kids, Especially Blacks, Hispanics

According to a new study, children aged 2 to 17 viewed on average 830 ads each year for ultra-processed junk food linked to obesity and Type 2 diabetes — comorbidities that could increase their risk of getting severe COVID.

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Synthetic dyes used as colorants can negatively affect attention and activity in children.
May 10, 2021

Synthetic Dyes in Popular Kids’ Foods Linked to Hyperactivity, Learning Disorders

A new report, described as “the most rigorous assessment of the behavioral effects of food dyes ever conducted,” is based on a review of the results of 27 clinical trials in children performed on four continents over the last 45 years.

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TBHQ is a preservative that is pervasive in processed foods.
March 30, 2021

Preservative in Hundreds of Popular Kids’ Foods May Damage Immune System

New peer-reviewed study by Environmental Working Group shows TBHQ, a preservative in Pop-Tarts, Rice Krispies Treats and hundreds of other foods, may damage the immune system.

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DA Failed to Safety Test Fake Blood Additive in Impossible Burger.
January 29, 2021

Fake Blood Additive in Impossible Burger Not Properly Safety Tested by FDA, Food Safety Group Says

Center for Food Safety says FDA didn’t conduct adequate testing of the genetically engineered color additive used to make the Impossible Burger appear to “bleed” like real meat.

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Investigation reveals FDA’s failure to account for the cumulative effect of chemicals on public health.
December 23, 2020

FDA Ignores Law When Approving Chemical Food Additives, Putting Kids at Risk

Investigation reveals FDA’s failure to account for the cumulative effect of chemicals on public health, particularly for communities already facing significant health and socio-economic disparities and for children who are uniquely susceptible to dietary exposures from multiple chemicals.

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November 10, 2020

FDA’s Failure to Enforce Science-Based Policy Puts Food Safety at Risk, Analysis Shows

New review shows FDA failed to properly assess science, allowing hundreds of chemicals into U.S. food system without accounting for their impact on human health.

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September 23, 2019

Studies, Papers, Reports and Articles on Glyphosate, GMOs, Pesticides, 5G, and Other Environmental Harms

This is a partial list, compiled by Moms Across America of research studies, published papers and reports on vast array of environmental issues facing the health of our children today. 

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