
Exposing the Truth

Certain lapses in safety, such as the VAERs passive reporting system, have put our children at risk. The FDA has proved to be incapable of monitoring vaccine safety by not accurately calculating exposure levels to aluminum and mercury in vaccines, while thimerosal still remains in 12 of the current flu vaccines on the market. To compound the misinformation, the CDC vaccine safety database has failed to adequately detect injuries. As a nation we can no longer pretend our trusted agencies are protecting our children.

Take Action to support review of Fauci's testimony

Action Alert: Call for Investigation into Dr. Anthony Fauci and his Agency’s Role in Gain-of-Function Research

New documents released via FOIA litigation confirm what Senator Rand Paul has been asserting for months. Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress about funding “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan, China when he insisted that the U.S. “has not ever, and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

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Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom

This was a historic weekend for freedom activists around the world. Saturday, August 29th, one million true citizens of all walks of life united to stand against unscientific lock downs, government totalitarianism, and medical mandates.

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FDA Director Peter Marks and the Ever-Shifting COVID Vaccine Narrative

After suckering us into ruinous lockdown awaiting rescue by vaccine, the Pharma grifters are frantically dialing back the expectations they inflated.

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Big Pharma Prepares to Profit From the Coronavirus

Amid the mayhem from the global pandemic, one industry is not only surviving, it is profiting handsomely—Big Pharma.

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Harvard Experts Critique Cozy FDA-Pharma Relationship

A review of the evolving regulatory standards and drug approval processes over a nearly four-decade period reveals a troubling shift toward FDA use of “less data” to approve drugs and biologics—alongside an escalating reliance on pharmaceutical industry payments to cover the salaries of the very FDA reviewers issuing the approvals.

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Look WHO’s Talking! Vaccine Scientists Confirm Major Safety Problems

In early December, the crème de la crème of the vaccine establishment attended the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) two-day Global Vaccine Safety Summit and made some startling revelations that, among other things, vaccines can be fatal, the design of safety studies makes it difficult to spot problems, safety monitoring is inadequate, and vaccine adjuvants increase risk.

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Vaccine Failures, Part 2: Pertussis Vaccination

Nationally, pertussis-containing vaccine coverage is high—just shy of 95%—yet, by the CDC’s own admission, pertussis outbreaks are increasingly frequent. Given the high vaccination rate and the known fact that vaccinated persons can transmit pertussis asymptomatically, it is important to dissect the spectacular failure of U.S. pertussis vaccination efforts in greater detail.

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Lakewood, NJ: Failure to Vaccinate or Vaccine Failure?

In Lakewood, NJ, where most of the NJ measles cases occurred, there were 30 documented cases of measles in Ocean County early last winter.  Everyone recovered without incident and no serious complications were reported, but the Lakewood “outbreak” made national news and left behind hurt families, scarred children and the illusion that those who question vaccines are disease ridden.

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Announcing ‘Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth’

Tommey Burrowes Productions announces the November 6, 2019 release of Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth, the highly anticipated sequel to the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe that catapulted to notoriety after being controversially pulled from the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival.

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BBC Documentary, Conspiracy Files: Vaccine Wars

The BBC’s documentary Vaccine Wars interviews the usual characters like Paul Offit and Brian Deer, yet never discloses their conflicts including Offit’s status as a vaccine inventor and patent holder while serving on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices which determines US vaccine recommendations. Offit and Deer predictably spouted off their usual talking points throughout the documentary.

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What Polio Vaccine Injury Looks Like, Decades Later

When touting the merits of vaccination, public health officials often brag about the campaign to eradicate polio. What they rarely if ever disclose, however, is that both the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) developed by Jonas Salk and the live-virus oral polio vaccine (OPV)—developed first by Polish scientist Hilary Koprowski and later by Albert Sabin—frequently have caused the very condition they were supposed to prevent.[pullquote] Despite Salk’s belief that a ‘killed-virus’ vaccine could not accidentally cause polio in those inoculated, the number of reported polio cases rose immediately and dramatically within a year, with particularly steep increases in some states—including a 642% spike in Massachusetts.

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The Unsolved Mystery of Deaths in Healthy Migrant Children

The Children’s Health Defense team is concerned with all unexplained deaths of children. Lately, some media and government officials are calling attention to the sudden deaths of over half a dozen mostly Guatemalan children taken into U.S. custody at the border over the past year.

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Flu Shots During Pregnancy Failed to Lower the Risk of Fetal Death, Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight

Public health officials and doctors, ever more insistent that pregnant women get flu shots, are frustrated that fewer than four in ten American moms-to-be avail themselves of the recommendation. Policy-makers’ disappointment stems not just from their zeal to achieve the Healthy People 2020 goal of 80% coverage of pregnant women but also from their recognition that women who go along with vaccine recommendations during pregnancy are more acquiescent about vaccinating their newborn infants as well.

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The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Front Men

The pharmaceutical industry has a “complex and mutually-dependent” relationship with physician trade groups and physicians. Although the details are not always fully or accurately documented, the funding trail can often provide revealing clues. Thus, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), one of the most notorious vaccine industry front groups, receives funding from all four manufacturers of childhood vaccines in the U.S. (Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline).

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Acetaminophen—Not Worth the Risk

Acetaminophen has been around for over a century and is the most widely used drug compound in the world. In the U.S., acetaminophen (also called paracetamol or APAP) is present as an active ingredient in over 600 prescription and over-the-counter medications marketed to relieve pain or reduce fever, including Tylenol. Every week, nearly one in four Americans takes an acetaminophen-containing medication, and pediatricians routinely recommend acetaminophen as the treatment of choice for fever in children.

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Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated—Part 3

In 1999, the CDC commissioned an in-house researcher, Thomas Verstraeten to perform vaccinated/unvaccinated study on CDC’s giant Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). The results were disturbing and showed a link between mercury-containing hepatitis B vaccines and several neurological injuries including autism.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Bring Legal Action Against Beech-Nut Nutrition Company Concerning Misrepresentation That Their Naturals Baby Foods are 100% Natural

Washington, DC—Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD) announced a lawsuit today against Beech-Nut Nutrition Company. The complaint, filed in Washington, DC, asserts that Beech-Nut’s material misrepresentations and omissions violate the District of Columbia Consumer Protection Procedures Act.

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Vaccine Coverage in Mainstream Media—Variations on a Theme of Propaganda

A few months ago, I revisited a Reddit article titled, “News outlets self-censor extremely important information because ad revenue from pharmaceutical companies can be up to 70% of their income,” — seventy percent!

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Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 2

The data in CDC’s 1999 Verstraeten study clearly inculpated thimerosal as the principle culprit behind the autism epidemic. Contemporary emails among CDC officials— obtained under the FOIA— and the transcripts from a secret 2000 meeting between government regulators and vaccine makers at Simpsonwood, Georgia, show HHS officials plotting to create phony studies to exonerate vaccines. CDC officials hired a Scandanavian, Poul Thorsen, giving him $10 million to create a series of fraudulent reports from Denmark.

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Fully Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated — Part 1

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has repeatedly asked CDC to create studies which explain, “How do child health outcomes compare between fully vaccinated and unvaccinated children?”

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FDA Warns Sanofi Pasteur of “Significant Deficiencies”

In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted inspections of two Sanofi Pasteur vaccine production facilities. This 10-page letter from the FDA to Sanofi’s Senior Vice President of Vaccines, describes the significant objectionable conditions and deviations observed at each of the facilities.

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Final Report of the IV Parliamentary Commission

For 18 years, specifically established Commissions of inquiry have been attempting to respond to thousands of cases of serious illnesses and deaths among Italian military personnel, investigating their causes and taking into account the exposure to multiple risk factors.

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March 5, 2019 Senate Hearing: Vaccines Save Lives. What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?

Children’s Health Defense has created these concise handouts for you to download and share.

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CDC, Check YOUR Data: MMR Vaccination Rates are NOT Declining

There’s a narrative being spread that the vaccination rate for the MMR vaccine has fallen lately due to irresponsible parents, and that the only way to fix the declining rate is to tighten up vaccine exemption laws in every state, which led me to ask a fairly obvious question about my home state: “What has the MMR vaccination rate in Oregon been over time (and why can’t I find that in any of the hysterical media)?”

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