
The Big Picture: Injured Kids, Society Costs

Children with disabilities are changing the face of education in the 21st century, and the evidence is overwhelming on a global basis. The impact of the ever-increasing autism rate is a big part of the story, but it’s not just about autism. Intellectually, behaviorally and emotionally, students today are noticeably different from those of past generations.

Below is just a fraction of recent mainstream media coverage that clearly documents the decline of children’s health everywhere. Incredibly, these reports are presented without explaining or even stating potential causes of such drastic changes being seen worldwide. Exploding numbers and soaring costs are accepted without question by today’s reporters and educators. The only solutions presented involve more money for more programs, schools and therapists to meet the growing needs of increasingly unhealthy students.

What is never discussed is how this will impact the future of society as we know it if this trend continues unchecked.

November 03, 2020

September/October 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

While the United States remains solely focused on the impact of the coronavirus when it comes to special education coverage, the same thing is not true in Britain or in Ireland.

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September 29, 2020

The Pharma Loaded U.S. Soldier, Part 2: The Footprints Behind the Military Suicide Epidemic, and The Way Forward

In Part 1 of this series, we explored data related to the apparent risks associated with the suicide rate of military personnel with the realization that it’s not only trauma from combat that contributes to risk, but also the pharmaceutical load on soldiers and specific problematic medications. What is the total load on America’s soldiers?

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September 10, 2020

August 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

On August 2nd parents in CT were warned: There’s nothing for your autistic child when he or she ages out of school. So, what’s ahead for countless special needs young adults? Waiting lists, lack of funding, no service providers. There, you’ve been warned.

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August 10, 2020

July 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

There is still a dearth of any real news on special education and autism in U.S. schools, but not so in Britain and Ireland where the press reports constantly on big time increases in special education spending. Honestly, while it’s not being reported on as a crisis, any thinking person has to be concerned about what’s happening over there. Someone needs to explain what’s going on.

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July 10, 2020

June 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

Once again, we turn our attention to what was happening to schools in Britain during June.  The U.S. is forty times bigger than the U.K., but the stories from there dwarf anything from America.

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June 10, 2020

May 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

The numbers revealed in the stories published in May are horrific, but they are merely mentioned in passing. They are just facts…the way things are. Actually they’re about more than that. They’re about increases. These numbers keep going up, and no one asks why.

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May 12, 2020

April 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

The COVID-19 crisis is a godsend for those who want us all to believe that ever-increasing numbers of children with autism are merely the result of never ending better diagnosing by doctors and greater awareness by everyone else. The only stories about disabled children involve how they’re dealing with the coronavirus chaos. Lost in the current crisis was the all but unnoticed update of the autism numbers at the end of March.

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April 15, 2020

March 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

The March 2020 update from Anne Dachel, who chronicles the epidemics that currently claim the health of so many children in the U.S. and around the globe.

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March 20, 2020

OSEP Fast Facts: Children Identified with Autism

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs has put together these demographics and “Fast Facts” about children around the country identified with Autism. An interactive and accessible version is also available.    

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March 17, 2020

February 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

The latest from Anne Dachel, who chronicles the epidemics that currently claim the health of so many children in the U.S. and around the globe.

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February 04, 2020

January 2020: Injured Kids, Society Costs

Anne Dachel’s January 2020 update on the impact upon society from the ever-increasing childhood health epidemics.

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January 10, 2020

December 2019: Injured Kids, Society Costs

Anne Dachel’s January 2020 update on the impact upon society from the ever-increasing childhood health epidemics.

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August 30, 2018

The Special Ed Epidemic: Minimizing Risks – Protecting Our Children

Autism, developmental delays, and chronic illnesses including allergies and asthma are at an all-time high, affecting 1 in 6 children across the US. Autism alone has increased in prevalence from 1 in 1000 in 1995 to 1 in 59 US children in 2018. The rise in chronic illness and developmental disabilities has scientists, doctors, educators, and legislators in an ongoing debate over causation. Research has failed to turn up but a few definitive causes, rather, studies propose associated risks. These risks are rarely shared with the general public and most often, physicians themselves are not familiar with the science that has determined these associations.

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