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Posted October 11, 2022Today in Energy

The United States produces lighter crude oil, imports heavier crude oil ›

In the first half of 2022, U.S. crude oil production averaged 11.1 million barrels per day (b/d), up from an annual average of 10.8 million b/d in 2021. Crude oil with a higher API gravity is lighter, or less dense. Production of light crude oil with an API value greater than 45.1 degrees increased the most, while production of heavy crude oil with an API lower than 30.0 degrees declined. More

monthly U.S. Lower 48 crude oil production by density

Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production

Data Highlights

WTI crude oil futures price

10/7/2022: $92.64/barrel

up$13.15 from week earlier
up$14.34 from year earlier

Natural gas futures price

10/7/2022: $6.748/MMBtu

down$0.018 from week earlier
up$1.071 from year earlier

Weekly coal production

10/1/2022: 11.792 million tons

down0.330 million tons from week earlier
up0.669 million tons from year earlier

Natural gas inventories

9/30/2022: 3,106 Bcf

up129 Bcf from week earlier
down165 Bcf from year earlier

Crude oil inventories

9/30/2022: 429.2 million barrels

down1.4 million barrels from week earlier
up8.3 million barrels from year earlier