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Tom Rogan
Nat. Sec/Foreign pol./Intel./occasional UFO. [email protected]. Encrypted: [email protected] (+email for wickr/signal)
Media & News CompanyWashington,…Joined July 2009

Tom Rogan’s Tweets

Won’t age well when Sen. Sanders runs for Pres. again.
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I was pleased to meet today with former leader of the Labour Party @jeremycorbyn and his colleagues at the @ProgIntl and the @corbyn_project. I look forward to working together to build international solidarity toward a future that works for all people.
I look forward to the Vance/Trump plan to finance the 30-year Social Security & Medicare shortfall totalling $116 trillion. No handwaving it away with rhetoric about ending waste or taxing corporations. Thats a rounding error for this gap. Show us exactly how you'll do it.
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Trump is 100 percent correct.
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Macron offered a sense of urgency and, some might say, an implicit rebuke of his tendency for verbose idealism. "We must therefore privilege the speed of action, the rapid rise to power, over the intellectual purity of an abstract model...."
NEW-Yes, the devil is in the details as to whether these funds actually end up in the defense accounts. But there's real cause for hope here. Macron appears to have matched his domestic courage on pension reform to necessarily bold action on security.
Even newer production-line F-35s will only be able to carry eight missiles (and only six missiles without sacrificing their stealth profile). They will also have to carry the large JASSM-ER and LRASM on their stealth-defeating external bays.
A lot of pressure on Berlin over tanks. Pressure on Germany to do more on democratic security v. fair. But don't understand why Biden Admin. is getting a free pass on not sending even symbolic # of Abrams. Is enabling Russia to exploit German fears.
NEW- Still, in this admittedly rare case, Berlin's concern is legitimate: it fears being a unilateral target for Russian escalation... But back to the central point, as with Jake Sullivan's April 2022 spin, Kahl's excuses simply do not add up.
Bottom line is they won’t spend more on defense unless the US stridently compels them to spend more. They are more than happy to free ride & don’t want to take any domestic political risks for the sake of “transatlantic unity” or w/e. Not even a European land war will make them.
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Once spoke with a Belgian diplomat and asked him to explain to me why his country couldn’t meet NATO’s 2% of GDP defense spending target agreed in 2014. He basically said that budgetary rules make that impossible & cuts in social spending would be too politically costly.
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Suggestion for - post photos like this instead of videos of unarmed soldiers singing Christmas carols in a forest. Far greater deterrent value, bang for buck.
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Image shows the Scots Guards undertaking winter bayonet training in Estonia on Operation Cabrit with temperatures reaching -10 Celsius.
Orban declared that economic "decoupling" is the "most dangerous thing in the world today." He added that decoupling from China would be a "huge mistake" and that Europe "would lose its competitiveness if it does not cooperate with China."
Yes, but also worth noting the govt's/mil's tendency - apart from past two years shift - to write everything off as starlink-style explainable. Hence recent events in Congress/AARO etc.
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Interesting exchange here about Starlink flares, which have been mistaken for #UFOs by experienced pilots.…
Most interesting thing about this is apparent orbiting v. close (if high altitude) to Army's Dugway Proving Ground. Which does v. cutting edge research.
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"They're Back!" Later today, listen in to a newly released FAA audio exchange between multiple aircraft and air traffic control about UFOs seen 74nm west of Ely, Nevada. The recording also revealed this wasn't the only night they were seen. Story drops later today.
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