
Donor Advised Funds

Giving Through A Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) are the fastest-growing giving method and a tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations. DAFs also provide the opportunity to ensure the donor of complete anonymity. A DAF is a bank operating as a public charity through which individuals and groups can make grants to not-for-profit organizations on a one time, or ongoing basis through their account.

How it works:

Simply open a donor-advised account (institutions CHD has vetted are listed below). The initial funds or assets deposited into the account will be reported to the IRS and a tax receipt issued to you. These funds are considered your charitable contribution and you will receive a receipt for your taxes in the year you deposit into your DAF. Then, you can login to your account at any time and “recommend” grants to Children’s Health Defense (CHD). (Please note, we are often confused with Children’s Health Fund or Children’s Defense Fund, so be careful not to inadvertently select the wrong recipient.) Including our tax identification number will ensure the correct recipient: 26-0388604.

When you “recommend a grant,” meaning you instruct the DAF to send us a donation, you can select (in the case of Fidelity and Vanguard) or request (in the case of National Philanthropic) to remain anonymous (look for “how would you like to be recognized?” and select “anonymous”) if you wish. When you do this, no one, outside of the fund manager, will be able to trace the grant back to you.

You can recommend grants from the fund immediately, or over time. If privacy is a priority, give your fund a name that won’t be linked to you. The fund manager at the bank will then send a check to CHD using this fund name or indicate that the grant is made at the suggestion of an anonymous donor. For an extra layer of identity protection, you can have a law firm set up the DAF on your behalf, then even the fund manager/bank will not have knowledge of the source of the funds.

However, if you don’t mind select individuals inside our organization to be aware of your identity and you still don’t want your name in the documents issued, please reach out to the Director of Development before sending your anonymous grant. You can be assured of complete confidentiality within CHD. We love to know when a grant is on its way, so that RFK, Jr. or other leadership (at your sole discretion) can contact you to express our gratitude and to gain any direction on how the funds are used within CHD. However, if this optional step is skipped, you can make your donation unknown to anyone, including inside CHD, as described above.

Even when grants made to CHD through DAFs are anonymous, they can be designated for use, right on the form on your account, wherever the need is greatest or aligned with thematic areas that match your interests and concerns, such as lawsuits to block mandates, stopping 5G rollout or halting the experimental COVID vaccine administered to children. DAFs have a field you fill out to specify how the funds should be used. Please be assured that we will honor these requests to the smallest detail possible.

CHD has conferred directly with the largest Donor Advised Fund sponsor organizations and their philanthropic services teams to ensure a rewarding, and if desired, completely anonymous, donor-experience. The following have assured us of a complete anonymity option:

Verified Anonymous DAF Providers

Clients of Fidelity Charitable, Charles Schwab Charitable, and BNY Mellon can easily make a designation through the DAF Direct window on this page.

Your donation will be used to further CHD’s Mission to end the childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to expose causes, eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

Thank you for your support of CHD! If you need help with your donation, contact Angela Braden, Director of Development or Heidi Kidd, Treasurer, 201-906-3475.