
About Chapters

Children’s Health Defense Chapters

The network of CHD chapters provides a powerful, unified voice for advocates to enhance our collective ability to support and strengthen the views of our issues, disseminate vitally needed educational information, and improve law and judicial policy.

U.S. Chapters:

International Chapters:

When you join CHD, you are not only joining a national organization with tens of thousands of members, your CHD membership also includes membership in your state or regional chapter, if you choose to opt-in.

A CHD chapter is a great way to ensure that the needs of all members are met on all levels. Since the demographics and needs of states vary greatly, CHD chapters are able to focus on the issues most important to their members. Chapters often are able to address local issues that the national office cannot and vice-versa. Members should feel free to contact their chapter at any time.

Interested in starting a chapter?

Please get in touch with our Chapter Coordinator, Karen McDonough, with any questions.