
eBook Sign up—How Censorship is Redefining Informed Consent as ‘Misinformation’

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How Censorship is Redefining Informed Consent as ‘Misinformation’

Individuals and organizations such as Children’s Health Defense that speak out on vaccine safety issues are being censored in an unprecedented manner in both mainstream media and social media platforms. Investigative journalist Jeremy Hammond takes a look at how this climate of censorship is redefining even basic concepts such as informed consent by labeling all content that runs counter to government and industry claims regarding the safety and efficacy of vaccines as “misinformation.”

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In search of truth and accuracy

In November 2019, the media was abuzz about a new study published in the journal Vaccine reportedly showing that “anti-vaccine” groups are using Facebook advertisements to spread “misinformation”. However, what media reports declined to inform the public is that the study’s authors didn’t provide any evidence to support the accusation.

Instead, the study’s authors simply defined any information that doesn’t serve the government’s policy goal of maintaining or increasing vaccination rates as “anti-vaccine” and then equated anything “anti-vaccine” with “misinformation”—regardless of truthfulness and scientific accuracy.

CHD’s newest eBook, How Censorship is Redefining Informed Consent as ‘Misinformation’, takes a look at:

  • How the study was reported by the media;
  • What the study actually showed, and how the media got it wrong;
  • The right to informed consent;
  • The growing threat of censorship.

We have reached the place in our history where information alerting the public to the wrong-doings of government is deemed “misinformation.” But who decides what is “misinformation”? What are their conflicts? Is this the world we want?

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