
Special Report—Protecting Individual Rights in the Era of COVID-19

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Protecting Individual Rights in the Era of COVID-19

In this special report, Mary Holland, Vice Chair and General Council for Children’s Health Defense takes a look at the legality of compulsory vaccination and the deterioration of individual rights in the era of COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Should NOT be a pretext for Medical Coercion!

Compulsory vaccination violates fundamental human rights, notably the right to prior, free and informed consent for medical interventions. In the U.S., the legal edifice shoring up compulsory vaccination rests on a Supreme Court decision that is more than a century old — a decision that included strongly worded warnings against arbitrary and oppressive abuse of police power. Decades of compulsory vaccine policies have not only failed to safeguard health and individual rights but have not attained herd immunity for any childhood illness. Though vaccines injure and fail in real-world conditions, legislation passed in 1986 (and a subsequent 2011 Supreme Court decision) left U.S. children and adults with a striking absence of legal protections.

Before COVID-19, campaigns were already well underway, both in the U.S. and globally, to roll out further vaccine mandates and to discredit those expressing concerns about safety or efficacy. The coronavirus has accelerated these efforts. It is apparent that the global controversy over vaccine mandates is coming to a head: either governmental and intergovernmental bodies will succeed in coercing people to vaccinate, or people will overcome the efforts to deprive them of their fundamental rights and liberties.

In this comprehensive report Children’s Health Defense’s legal team argues that:

  • Compulsory vaccination rests on shaky legal edifice
  • The context for health and disease has changed fundamentally since court decisions that are more than 100 years old
  • Vaccine injuries and deaths are not uncommon
  • Assertions of vaccine safety are questionable and
  • Vaccine makers are not liable for their products.

Who decides?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.There are many critical concerns that strongly weigh against mandates for COVID-19 vaccines—or any vaccine. People must not let their professional associations be co-opted to provide cover for liability-free medical coercion at the expense of the unalienable individual rights to bodily integrity, free exercise of religion, privacy, parental rights, the right to refuse unwanted medical interventions, equal protection and due process.

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