Showing posts with label David Moyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Moyes. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013

IDF 5 year reforms, Belfast rioting, Syria rebel hostilities, Moyes first game

1) The Israeli Military has announced plans to update their force posture over the next five years. The major elements of these proposals include a reduction in the IDF officer corps and a greater focus on highly mobile weapon platforms like the Spike NLOS. At the forefront of these developments is a focus on potential future conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah. Recognizing the relative immobility of Israeli forces during the 2006 Lebanon war, the IDF wants to ensure that this hindrance is reduced before another outbreak of violence. Israel understands that in order to defeat enemies like Hamas/Hezbollah - which rely upon small skirmishing groups of highly mobile rocket teams etc. the IDF must be able to employ its own weapon systems that allow for the timely engagement of their adversaries. Cognizant of the sensitivities with which Israeli military operations are viewed internationally, the Israelis also know that they need weapons that are highly discriminate - IE - mechanisms that minimize the likelihood of civilian casualties. In another sense, the IDF also seems to be building front line deployments around their most aggressive, operationally experienced units. That makes sense - the IDF recognizes the vulnerabilities of relying upon fresh forces in critical operations.
                However, on a more negative note, it appears that the IDF will cut spending on training operations. That's a risky proposition - dependency on technological assets cannot offset the loss of basic competencies. As a broader observation, I find it pretty staggering that the Israelis are willing to cut defense spending amidst ongoing regional instability.

2) Serious rioting broke out in Belfast, Northern Ireland on Friday. The problems arose when British loyalist marchers were prevented from walking through an Irish nationalist area of the city. This behavior is pathetic. As evidenced in footage of the scuffles, many of the aggressors were young men - probably drunk. They wanted an excuse for violence. It's deeply disappointing that occasional outbreaks of disorder like this one still occur in Northern Ireland. Though the situation is far more peaceful than it once was, sectarian hatred nevertheless remains a real problem. In a less serious but similarly interesting vein, it's worth checking out today's NY Times story on the challenges that top golfer, Rory McIlroy is forced to navigate in his home country.

3) Tensions between Syria's various rebel forces have reached a boiling point. Many will argue that these hostilities necessitate greater US detachment from the conflict. On the contrary, I believe the opposite is true. At one point or another, the US was going to have to face up to the Salafist extremist threat inside Syria. As I've argued before, the US must use all of our influence to support the nationalist minded elements of the rebellion. Such a course (though admittedly risky) would allow us to support those forces who would be best placed to replace Assad with a semi-stable, pro-western government. Disengagement is not an option. Supported by the Putin mafia and supplemented by forces from Iran and Hizballah, Assad's regime has turned the tide of the conflict. We must alter this strategic equation.

4) David Moyes has lost his first game in charge of Manchester United. It's a shame, but this game was largely irrelevant. I'm confident that Moyes will be a highly successful manager for Britain's biggest club. Regardless, I'm very much looking forward to the start of the Premier League season in a month's time. With Pellegrini at Manchester City, Mourinho back at Chelsea and Fulham under ownership of a major investor, this should be an exciting year of soccer. The battle for the top four spots will be fierce; from my perspective, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man City, Man Utd, Tottenham (and of course Everton!) all have a good opportunity to reach the Champions League.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why Moyes is the right man to replace Sir Alex

Update: Also check out What America's politicians could learn from American sports

Succeeding Sir Alex Ferguson, the man who made Manchester United the world’s greatest soccer club, would be hard for any Coach. 13 Premier League trophies, 5 FA Cups, 2 Champions League crowns. Yes, he could be arrogant and was often petty with critics, but nonetheless, Ferguson is a giant of the soccer world.

But even as a Everton fan, I can accept the hard truth- David Moyes is the right man for Manchester United. 

Sure, I’m sad to see him leave Everton. After all, Moyes is the guy who built my team into the top level club that it is today. He may not have won a trophy, but amidst severe financial constraints, Moyes has been an incredible servant to the Toffee nation. His eye for talent was unmatched, his developmental leadership sustained and his tactical knowledge spot on. Risen from former battles against relegation, Everton are now a regular contender for European qualification.

This record is why Moyes has been picked as Sir Alex’s replacement. 

Manchester United needs two things from their next coach – a steady hand and a fresh vision. 

On the first point, it’s evident that United is a team in transition. The old guard –Ryan Giggs, Rio Ferdinand and co. are on their way out. Key strikers - Rooney and Van Persie aren’t getting any younger. United has to look to the future. They need a Coach who can continue developing United’s future talent core – players like Phil Jones, Tom Clerverley, Danny Welbeck, whilst also maintaining United’s present domination of the Premier League. With his experience shaping players like Mikel Arteta, Leighton Baines and Wayne Rooney into the stars they are today, Moyes has a pedigree that United will have found deeply appealing. At the same time, United understand that they need a Coach who can find new talent. Again, Moyes ticked the box.

Of course, a contemporary Premier League coach has to be more than an administrator and a scout, he also has to be a tactical master. Cue Moyes. Before he took the reins, Everton was a team known for its plucky resolve and not much else. The glory years of the 80s were a memory. A great goalkeeper, long balls and a sprinkling of hope had become the tactical modus operandi. Check out today’s Everton and you see a very different team. Sure, the basic foundation of physicality remains, but there’s something else present now – ingrained tactical intelligence. Forward hoofs have been replaced by a confident, smooth passing game. Set pieces are refined. Play makers are spread in various positions across the field. This is a team with versatility and aggression. This is a club that wins.

United’s executive leadership know that if they’re to be able to transition current glory into a similarly successful future, they’ll have to have a Coach who can compete with the English Premier League’s (EPL) exceptional and growing talent. With a talented young coach working wonders at Tottenham, Mourinho seemingly on his way back to Chelsea and Mancini keen to splurge even greater millions on a new set of stars, the competition is about to get even tougher. Moyes knows this league better than anyone (except Sir Alex).

I suspect there was one final factor to David Moyes attractiveness. His character. 

Unlike many EPL coaches, Moyes is renowned for his sense of fair play and integrity. He rarely complains about officials and when he does so, he tends to have good reason. Now that Ferguson has gone, United has a legacy to uphold. In the end, they’re a business as well as a cultural institution. Moyes gets this. He can build upon this legacy and he can take it forwards.

Sure, I’ll be sad to see him go. But I also get why United wanted him. 

With the abiding gratitude of a mournful Toffee, I wish him all the best.