
SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the leading cause of post-neonatal infant mortality in the U.S. By definition, SIDS describes death that occurs in a “seemingly normal, healthy infant under one year of age” that is both unexpected and unexplainable—although there is mounting evidence that SIDS may be “medically induced” through vaccination. One study from the Journal of Pediatrics revealed to the “complicated” and “convoluted” process involved in registering death for public purposes, finding gross inaccuracies and underreporting due to the inadequacies of death certificates as a source of complete information.

Child Mortality In The US And 19 OECD Comparator Nations: A 50-Year Time-Trend Analysis

The United States has poorer child health outcomes than other wealthy nations despite greater per capita spending on health care for children.

U.S. Kids More Likely to Die Than Kids in 19 Other Nations

U.S.-born children are 76% more likely to die before their first birthday than infants in the other wealthy countries.

Why Are So Many Americans Dying Young?

For the first time since the 1990s, Americans are dying at a faster rate, and they’re dying younger. A pair of new studies suggest Americans are sicker than people in other rich countries, and in some states, progress on stemming the tide of basic diseases like diabetes has stalled or even reversed.

A Reassessment of the SIDS Back to Sleep Campaign 12/23/2014

The Back to Sleep Campaign was initiated in 1994 to implement the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) recommendation that infants be placed in the nonprone sleeping position to reduce the risk of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This paper offers a challenge to the Back to Sleep Campaign (BTSC) from two perspectives: (1) the questionable validity of SIDS mortality and risk statistics, and (2) the BTSC as human experimentation rather than as confirmed preventive therapy.

August 03, 2021
58% of Infant Deaths Reported to VAERS Occurred Within 3 Days of Vaccination, Research Shows
There are numerous warning signs that potent all-in-one vaccines are too much for immature immune systems to handle.
June 25, 2021
CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals
This Week With Mary + Polly
February 03, 2021
This Week’ With Mary + Polly: Bill Gates on Planning for the Next Pandemic + ‘Fauci’s Ouchies’ + Showing Compassion for the Vaccinated + More
Drop in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
January 22, 2021
During COVID Lockdown, Vaccine Rates Dropped — So Did the Number of SIDS Deaths
October 22, 2020
FDA Lets Pfizer Test Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine on U.S. Children
March 05, 2020
A Six-in-One Vaccine Associated with Sudden Infant Death…
November 05, 2019
Vaccinated v. Unvaccinated — Part 6
September 26, 2019
Infant and Child Mortality in the U.S. — Nothing to Brag About
June 26, 2018
The Plausible Connection between Vaccines and SIDS
December 19, 2017
Campaign to Restore Child Health: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) & Vaccine Injury