Family Law

Learn about the legal steps involved in getting a divorce and dividing assets when a marriage ends.

Find out what factors are most relevant in child custody and support agreements and court decisions.

Discover the legal options available to people considering adopting or placing a child for adoption.

Explore the possibilities for resolving your divorce or other family law dispute outside of court.

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Popular Topics
  • Alimony / Spousal Support
    Depending on the law of your state and your circumstances, alimony or spousal support may be awarded in a divorce, and can be either temporary or permanent, though the latter is becoming less common.
  • Paternity
    Establishing a legal relationship between a father and child through voluntary acknowledgement, genetic testing, or other means may entitle the child to financial support and the father to visitation.
  • Collaborative Divorce
    For couples wishing for a less contentious marriage dissolution process, collaborative divorce offers a cooperative means of reaching final agreements regarding things like finances and child custody.
  • Parenting Agreements
    After a marriage ends, co-parents often work to reach agreements regarding where the children will live, visitation schedules, and who will make decisions about things like education and medical care.
  • Restraining Orders
    Victims of abuse, stalking, or harassment by current or former family members can seek temporary or permanent court orders reducing or eliminating all contact between the perpetrator and the victim.
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