A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
January 02, 2022

Keeping Children Safe in a Wireless World

Let’s Connect…Safely

Children’s Health Defense Virginia Chapter agrees that everyone should have access to fast and reliable technology.

Unfortunately the telecommunications industry and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are promoting wireless technology that emits harmful electromagnetic radiation, which is making millions of Americans — especially children — sick.

But there are safer options. Read on to learn more about the real health risks of electromagnetic radiation and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

Invisible Dangers of Wireless Technology

Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) are invisible and odorless areas of energy often referred to as radiation.

While people are familiar with the dangers of x-rays and radioactive materials, they are less aware of the dangers of low and mid-level radiation from cell phones, laptops, Wi-Fi and other wireless devices. Although low and mid-level (non-ionizing) radiation is not as powerful as high-level (ionizing) radiation, it can still be hazardous to our health.

Twenty years ago, scientists did not consider our exposures to low and mid-level radiation a significant health threat. But today, with the dramatic expansion of technology in our homes, schools, workplace and communities, we are surrounded by this harmful form of radiation. Several studies suggest that this constant exposure may cause DNA damage, cancer, brain tumors, brain dysfunction, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease and sleep disorders.


Our Body Electric

The human body is an electrical being, capable of generating electricity that allows our nervous system to send signals to our brain, spinal cord and nerves for immediate communication. These signals are also responsible for controlling the rhythm of our heartbeat, the movement of blood around our body, and much more.

EMFs can have profound effects on our health by disrupting our natural electrical rhythms and exposing us to dangerous levels of radiation. Unfortunately, most doctors are not aware of the dangers and symptoms of EMFs and therefore can’t connect the dots between illness and EMF poisoning.

Wireless Radiation in School

Today’s school classrooms are filled with wireless devices, each emitting radiofrequency (RF) radiation (a type of EMF radiation). Children are constantly bombarded by this radiation through phones, tablets, computers, routers… virtually any wireless device.

Blue light and optical radiation are coming from the screens that children look at for hours each day. Radiation is drawn to wet tissue such as the eyes and throat. Wi-Fi routers are often installed on the ceiling just feet above where the children are seated. In a class of 25, there could be 100 devices emitting very dangerous levels of radiation.

Children are particularly vulnerable to RF radiation because of their rapidly developing bodies, thinner skulls, and immature nervous systems. Their brain tissue is more conductive so they absorb more microwave radiation than adults, RF penetration is greater relative to head size and they will have a longer lifetime of exposure than adults.

Research shows that exposure to RF radiation can cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears), headaches, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, sleep disruption, ADHD symptoms, weakened immune system and abnormal brain development. A combination of animal and human studies suggest these environmental exposures may be linked to:

Manufacturers claim their devices meet FCC safety guidelines, but those guidelines are 25 years old, do not reflect current science, and are not protective for children.

Let’s protect our kids and hardwire our schools. Hardwired connections eliminate wireless radiation in classrooms. These connections are safer, faster, more reliable, less prone to hacking, cost effective and they are ready for future technology.

Take action to help protect our kids and create tech safe schools.

 Simple Steps NOW to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

  1. Power Off. Turn the router and other devices off at night and power on only when needed. Turn on routers only when Wi-Fi must be used.
  2. Hardwire Your Connection. If feasible, give up Wi-Fi altogether and hardwire your internet.
  3. Airplane Mode. Switch devices to airplane mode or power off while sleeping, carrying on your body, charging, or when not in use.
  4. Distance is Key. Maximize the distance between your body and devices/routers, particularly your head and phone. Do not carry your phone in your pocketbraunder your pillow, etc., use speakerphone wherever possible, and use laptops on a desk rather than on your lap. Never put a cell phone up to a child’s head.
  5. Time Matters. Limit the time you spend talking on the phone. If feasible, maintain a landline in your home with the corded phone (yes, the “old-fashioned” kind). Avoid DECT cordless phones as they constantly emit a wireless signal, and the antenna is always on high power when in use. When people call your cell, it is best to return the call from a landline. This reduces your exposure and educates the caller.
  6. Create WiFi Free Zones for Children. Keep all wireless devices such as routers, smartphones, TVs, laptops, gaming consoles, and baby monitors out of playrooms and children’s bedrooms. Avoid any baby monitor that is wireless, there are some wired options available.
  7. Unsmart Your Home. Smart home devices, smart cars and smart meters constantly emit wireless radiation. Smart meters are wireless devices that are used to measure electric, gas and water usage. Smart meters or AMI (Automated Meter Reading) meters started replacing analogs in the late 1990s. Check with your utility to see if they offer an “opt-out” option — there will be a one-time fee and a monthly meter reading fee.
  8. Elevators and Phones Don’t Mix. Do not talk on your phone while in an elevator, other enclosed metal objects, or when the signal is weak. This causes cell phones to boost RF transmission power and increases your exposure.
  9. Measure for Yourself. Invest in a reliable EMF monitor to measure areas of high radiation. Turn high RF radiation-emitting devices off, keep away from heads and bodies as much as possible, and remove devices from the bedroom or the home.

 What We’re Doing to Protect Virginia’s Children

The Virginia Chapter is collaborating with other organizations like Virginians for Safe Technology and others to ensure that wireless technology is used safely in our homes, places of work, schools and other public buildings. We are also working to stop the roll out of smart meters on Virginia homes and businesses and hope to have legislation introduced in the 2023 session that requires utility companies to offer an opt out to keep or restore analog meters, which are the safer option.

Please routinely check our State Advocacy and Events pages for upcoming opportunities to get involved.




