A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
January 01, 2022

Homegrown Healthy Living

Great State, Great Food

Virginian’s are fortunate to live in a rich agricultural state, where we can access and enjoy delicious, nutrient-dense food. Our amazing foodshed spans the entire state from north to south, east to west… small, sustainable farms right in our backyard!

Virginia farmers who respect the soil, water, air and animals are growing and producing the healthiest food while protecting our precious environment. They embrace the responsibility of regenerative farming and they are good stewards of our land.

Our health is directly impacted by the food we eat and how it’s grown and prepared. Choose food that’s whole, fresh, local, seasonal and organic, packed with nutrients, that’s grown in living soil. Food from humanely treated animals that graze on sustainable pastures.

Avoid genetically modified food (GMOs) and food grown in a lab. Choose REAL food – the way nature intended!

So where can we find this wonderful food? Below are resources to direct you to your local farms and farm markets.

Virginia Farm Markets

Local Harvest

Eat Wild

Eat Well Guide

Ask Your Farmer

Visit your local farm or farm market and get to know your farmer. To really know what’s in the food you are buying, who better to ask than the farmers themselves?

10 Questions You Should Ask at The Farm Market

Feed Your Children Well

Our children need nourishing, organic food now more than ever. Their growing bodies are the most vulnerable to environmental toxins. Children are constantly exposed to chemicals and toxins from food, water, pharmaceutical products, household products, clothing, toys, playgrounds, lawns, ballfields, schools, electronic devices and wireless radiation… just to name a few.

It’s vitally important that our children have the most nutrient dense food so that their bodies and brains can have the best chance at healthy development.

Strong, vibrant, happy children is our goal!

Learn more about the dangers of GMOs and toxic pesticide exposure:

What are GMOs?

GMO Myths & Facts: A Summary

GMO Salmon, Pork and Chicken — Coming to Your Dinner Plate Soon?

Pesticides Linked to Cancer in Children, Adults in Western U.S.

Please check back regularly for updates and tips related to healthy living. Our Chapter will be interviewing Virginians across the state who are working to raise healthy food while protecting our land. If you know of someone in Virginia who you think would be interested in being interviewed please contact us.