A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Get Involved

The world our children are being born into is becoming more and more toxic. We are now in a time where our children are the sickest generation we have ever seen. With the increase in the number of vaccines to the childhood schedule, the rampant use of pesticides and herbicides on our food, and wireless radiation increasing at alarming levels, we must come together to fight for our children and for future generations. This is a fight that needs a group of dedicated people to get the information out.

This is where you, an Indiana resident/fellow Hoosier, come into it. Our Children’s Health Defense Indiana Chapter is in desperate need of all hands on deck. We need people who can share information, who can donate time or money, or who are willing to help with keeping our website up-to-date. We need people who have a passion for fighting the wrongs against the children of the world, but specifically the children of Indiana. Sign up to volunteer with our chapter and let’s be defenders for our children!