
Join the Pfizer/FDA Adverse Events Postcard Campaign

February 01, 2023


Time to bring common sense and science to Salem and to end all mandates and emergencies, to generate accountability for the coercion unjustly wielded against the public by governments large and small and to lay the groundwork of a healthier, happier Oregon today!

To that end we ask that everyone reading this message consider what they are willing to contribute to reach the following:

Goals in 2023

1. The end of all Covid Emergencies & Mandates

2. A new generation of children not suffering from chronic or iatrogenic disease

3. Government which RESPECTS, not usurps the Doctor/Patient relationship

4. Policies which protect both Parental and Religious Rights

5. Medicine based upon the patient, not upon the profits

Here are the step by step instructions explaining how to participate, making your voice heard!
  1. Let us know you are participating by filling out the form below. This information is only collected so we know what kind of state-wide impact we are having. It will be kept private with only our CHD OR board having access.

    5,000 Voices Campaign Participant Sign Up

    "*" indicates required fields

    Fill Out Form to Participate

  1. Each week pick 1-5 topics you want to communicate to your elected and/or appointed officials. We are starting with these five topics above; however, as legislation progresses, we will send out updates via email and the website on bills we are watching and need you to speak out about.
  1. Decide who you are contacting and your method. We have provided a google doc of all Federal Legislators, State Legislators and many county level legislators with all their contact information.
  1. Email and/or phone to communicate your sentiments on the topics chosen. Be polite, be succinct, provide supporting data points, and be clear on what you are asking them to do. If you need help formulating speaking points, click here .
  1. Repeat this 2-4 more times per day, ideally five days a week. Return to this page and provide a brief weekly update below.

    Weekly Participation

    "*" indicates required fields

  1. Watch for weekly updates on this campaign.
  1. Share this with other groups, and Oregonians concerned about saving our great State.
  2. And if phone calls and emails are not ‘your thing’ just keep sending them the ADVERSE EVENTS POSTCARDS.

Let them hear you…..

Your Voice Counts!

Children’s Health Defense Oregon Chapter