A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Health Freedom

General Health Freedom / Civil Liberties Resources

  • Children’s Health Defense: National Website
    • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.  launched his non-profit, the Children’s Health Defense, with vaccine safety advocates Lyn Redwood and Laura Bono, legends themselves among parents of vaccine-injured children.  Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.
  • Overcoming the Barriers to Access Ivermectin Prescriptions
    • A pdf document from the FLCCC (Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care) Alliance.
  • Patient Bill of Rights
    • The Clinical Center Patients’ Bill of Rights protects patients when they volunteer to participate in clinical research as a patient or as a healthy subject.
  • Reporting Arizona Adult Abuse, Neglect/Self-Neglect, and Exploitation
    • Adult Protective Services Online Submission Form.
  • Paul Thomas – Against The Wind
    • Dr. Paul co-authored The Vaccine Friendly Plan book that outlines what parents should consider when it comes to which vaccines to give and when. His recent paper shows the CDC vaccine schedule creates a massive aluminum overload pushing infants over the toxic level for 30 – 70% of their first 7 months of life.  Infants who follow the Vaccine-Friendly Plan spend 6% of their first 7 months in the toxic zone for aluminum.  With Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Paul published the data for all children born into his practice in the landmark paper comparing unvaccinated to variably vaccinated children showing significantly improved health outcomes in the unvaccinated.
  • US Freedom Flyers
    • The evolution of how we travel starts here.  This organization is building a new ecosystem that respects the right to movement and travel without discrimination for all of our community members.
  • The Highwire with Dell Bigtree
    • The HighWire is forging a new path in journalism. By providing unprecedented access to their investigations, The HighWire has become one of the fastest-growing and most trusted health news and talk shows in digital media.  They put the power of information in your hands. It’s a new kind of journalism for a new kind of viewer. Subscribe now. It’s free, and every episode you’ll receive links to the science, the articles, and the evidence we investigate when producing each show.
  • Christians For Truth
    • A group of non-denominational Christians trying to reach their brethren around the world with the truth. Their only goal with this website is to spread the truth to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear.
  • National Health Federation Covid-19: The Science We Should Know
    • This is a pdf document intended as a reference resource for anyone curious about the science and data underlying such contrarian positions.  Organized by topic, it presents links to primary-source materials, the bulk of which are scientific manuscripts (i.e., scholarly studies, papers, articles, meta-analyses) and related resources.  The testimonies of credentialed scientists and medical professionals are also included, while materials based on inexpert opinion have been assiduously avoided.
  • The Awareness Foundation
    • The mission of the Awareness Foundation is to highlight truths that are hidden in plain sight.
    • We will challenge the global structures and organizations that are oppressing billions of people around the world every day. We aim to educate and fight on behalf of all people affected by these unfair and unjust structures and systems. We offer support networks and alternative solutions to combat the problems many face every day of their lives.
  • Physicians For Informed Consent
    • Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) Opt-Out Forms – The State of Arizona requires providers to submit vaccination data for inclusion in the Arizona State Immunization Information System. This information may be available to health care providers, parents and child care workers. Use the forms on this site to opt out of having the State of Arizona track your (and your children’s) vaccinations.
  • Patient Advocates:
    • Hands for Health and Freedom
      • Hands for Health and Freedom is an advocacy enablement platform, designed to provide access to independent ethical, healthcare, and legal resources. They believe in the sanctity of human life, and that no person may rule over another without consent. They teach people to assert their rights, and advocate for their health.
    • How to advocate for patients in the hospital (Segment begins at 9:30 and runs until 26:06)
      • A video on by Dr. Ardis published September 1, 2021.
    • Ardis Show
      • In early 2020 Dr. Bryan Ardis lost his Father-in-law because of ill-advised hospital protocols. Since that time, he has been on a mission to help educate the public about the dangers to Americans, in many of our “institutes of health”.  Get the latest COVID-19 reports and protocols to protect yourself and your loved ones.  Subscribe for access.
    • Patient Bill of Rights
      • The Clinical Center Patients’ Bill of Rights protects patients when they volunteer to participate in clinical research as a patient or as a healthy subject.
    • Physicians For Informed Consent
      • A website empowering the public with scientific information about infectious disease and vaccines.
  • Arizona Jury Duty Medical Excuse Form-Excuse from mask mandate for Jury duty
    • A download of a Pdf document titled “Request For Medical Excuse From Jury Service A.R.S. 21-202”.

Discrimination and Complaints section

  • Discrimination Complaints – Where to File
  • If discrimination is by a Medical Facility, file here as well.
  • Where to file a discrimination complaint
    • An employee may use this form to file a discrimination complaint if the employee believes the employer has retaliated against the employee for exercising employee rights under the Arizona Occupational Safety and Health Act. Submission of this form constitutes filing a discrimination complaint pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) section 23-425.
  • Complaint of Discrimination in Employment Under Federal Government Contracts
    • Download the electronic Complaint of Discrimination in Employment Under Federal Government Contracts form.
  • Office of Ombudsman-Citizens Aide (Ombudsman)
    • The Ombudsman reviews complaints of citizens who believe they have been treated unfairly by Arizona government which includes subdivisions (schools). The process of review begins with an evaluation of the complaint and may include one of the following responses: 1) coaching to allow the citizen to resolve the complaint; 2) direct communication by the Ombudsman with the agency involved; or 3) an investigation of the agency’s action. Notice to the agency is required, unless notification would hinder the investigation. The Ombudsman is bound by confidentiality requirements as outlined in statute.The Ombudsman is also authorized to investigate complaints related to child safety and complaints related to public access laws involving an agency.

Vaccines and Vaccine Injuries

  • America’s Frontline Doctors
    • Sample letter to employers considering mandating vaccines for their employees.
    • AFLDS is looking for Firefighters, College Students, United Airline Employees, NYC Residents, Kentucky Healthcare Workers, or Kaiser Employees who are being forced them to take the experimental Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Right to Refuse – Arizona
    • Information on Arizona bills related to mandates for school, employees, entry to business or public space, or receipt of any service or good.
  • NVIC: Arizona State Vaccine Requirements
    • A student is exempt from required immunizations if the parent or guardian of the student submits a signed statement to the school administrator stating that the parent or guardian has received information about immunizations provided by the department of health services, understands the risks and benefits of immunizations and the potential risks of non-immunization and that due to personal beliefs, the parent or guardian does not consent to the immunization of the student.  A child in child care is exempt from required immunizations if the child’s parent or guardian objects on the grounds that it conflicts with the tenets and practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which the parent or child is an adherent or member.  Medical exemptions are also allowed.  This site contains many related links.
  • National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
  • National Vaccine Injury Compensation Data (NVICP)
    • Arizona State Immunization Information System (ASIIS) Opt-Out Forms – The State of Arizona requires providers to submit vaccination data for inclusion in the Arizona State Immunization Information System. This information may be available to health care providers, parents and child care workers. Use the forms below to opt out of having the State of Arizona track your (and your children’s) vaccinations.
    • ASIIS Withdrawal Request Form (Children)
    • ASIIS Withdrawal Request Form (Adult)
  • Dare To Question Vaccination
    • A book written by one parent to another parent.  The author states “I want you to be as informed as possible about the medical practice of vaccination. I also want to defend your right to informed consent.”
  • No parent should have to choose between an education and a shot!
    • Send letters to your school principal, school nurse, and superintendent informing them that you do not give consent to your children receiving any injection at school
  • Arizona Vaccine Exemption Forms
  • National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (H.R.5546)
    • The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 – Title I: Vaccines – Subtitle 1: National Vaccine Program – Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish in the Department of Health and Human Services a National Vaccine Program to: (1) direct vaccine research and development within the Federal Government; (2) ensure the production and procurement of safe and effective vaccines; (3) direct the distribution and use of vaccines; and (4) coordinate governmental and nongovernmental activities. Requires the Director of the Program to report to specified congressional committees.  Subtitle 2: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – Part A: Program Requirements – Establishes the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as an alternative remedy to judicial action for specified vaccine-related injuries.
  • Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
    • A voluntary reporting system implemented in 1990 by the United States Health & Human Services. A Harvard Pilgrim Health Care study estimated 1% of vaccine injuries are reported via VAERS.
  • Open VAERS
    • Built from the HHS data available for download at
  • Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
  • Vaccination Notice of Liability
    • A downloadable pdf document containing a “Conditional Acceptance of Vaccination – Agreement Between Vaccine Providers and Vaccinated Party”.
  • Vaccine Rights
    • This is a website by Alan Phillips, J.D., who has over 16 years of law practice experience as an attorney from late 2002 to mid-2019. During this time, Alan helped 1,000’s of people better understand their right to legally refuse mandatory immunizations in over a dozen different exemption categories, concerning vaccines required at birth; for daycare, grade school and college enrollment (in public, private, home and military schools); as a condition of employment; for military members, families, civilian contractors, national guard and other military persons; for immigrants, including refugees and foreign-adopted children; for children of parents in family law child custody disputes; and other situations.
  • VAXX Choice
    • A website containing information about COVID-19 Experimental Gene Therapy Shots, clinical studies of Ivermectin, forms to refuse the vaccine, how to file a criminal complaint, and other related information.
  • VaxxTracker
    • If you have experienced any side-effect after receiving a vaccine, or as a healthcare professional, your patient has experienced an adverse reaction, please contact us.
  • The Solari Report
    • This website provides forms to help families, employees, students, and parents successfully implement complete due diligence and informed consent with respect to COVID-19 injections.
    • Notice and Declaration of Parental Authority Requirement of Disclosure and Safety of Medical Treatment/s
      • This page provides forms such as:
      • a form that parents can use to notify relevant parties that they do not give consent to their child being administered a COVID-19 injection without the parent’s express written informed consent. It states that no such consent will be considered without a detailed response to a series of questions.
      • a Family Financial Disclosure Form is to ensure that an adverse event or death of one family member does not translate into long-lived or permanent financial destruction for the entire family.