E-Verify Is Trojan Horse For Digital Tyranny
E-Verify Is Trojan Horse For Digital Tyranny

Both Republicans and Democrats are falling for the Technocrat-inspired E-Verify scheme that sounds good on the surface but is rotten to the core on the inside. Labor is essential to economic activity, as is energy and currency. All three of these are slouching toward total control, thus giving absolute Technocrat control over economic issues.


Deep State Technocrats Convene In D.C. Spy Museum, Collude To Rig 2024 Election
Deep State Technocrats Convene In D.C. Spy Museum, Collude To Rig 2024 Election

Not surprisingly, Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates attended and was a speaker at this conference. Gates says he has been diagnosed with PTSD because of the harsh reactions he received during the 2022 election controversy in Arizona. Technocrats are intent on excluding American patriots and constitutionalists from all elected positions.


Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End Of Our Species As We Know It?
Evolutionary Transhumanism: The End Of Our Species As We Know It?

C.S. Lewis concluded in the Abolition of Man that the more man looks into nature with the eye to master and control it, the more man himself is taken captive by nature. This is unexpected, but the logical conclusion is that it will ultimately result in the abolition of man, not nature.


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Climate Change

California Sets ‘Zero Emissions’ For Passenger and Freight Trains

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E-Verify Is Trojan Horse For Digital Tyranny

Both Republicans and Democrats are falling for the Technocrat-inspired E-Verify scheme that sounds good on the surface but is rotten to the core on the inside. Labor is essential to economic activity, as is energy and currency. All three of these are slouching toward total control, thus giving absolute Technocrat control over economic issues.

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2030 Agenda

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