
Policy Safeguards

Policy safeguards are desperately needed. We need to push for hearings in congress to make sure our children are not allowed to be injured again. In order to do this, our system for evaluating scientific evidence and making decisions about environmental chemicals needs an overhaul, starting with the regulators, and including businesses that need to eliminate harmful products. We need to call on policy makers to halt the use of harmful substances in products, including vaccines, so that children can reduce their exposure to toxic chemicals and can reach their full potential.

FREE Special Report — Snapshots From 2020 Global Shutdown

With an introduction with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Snapshots provides a crucial “snapshot in time” in a cross section of countries from mid-March to mid-August 2020. With its copious references, this report gives you an important glimpse into COVID-19’s unaccounted impact and a roadmap to the future.

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Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety

To the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th, September 2018).

To the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines

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Project TENDR

Project TENDR is a unique collaboration of leading scientists, health professionals and children’s and environmental advocates. They came together in 2015 out of concern over the now substantial scientific evidence linking toxic environmental chemicals to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficits, hyperactivity, intellectual disability and learning disorders. In July 2016, they released […]

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Stop Direct Advertising

Policy needs to be changed so that pharmaceutical companies can no longer bombard American consumers with ubiquitous billboards, drugstore enticements, and radio announcements to suggest things like, “get your flu shot now.” In bed with the pharmaceutical companies, the CDC advises the public on vaccines through a “recipe” of scare-tactics to hike the demand. Merck’s […]

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