An Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg From Ted Kuntz

February 18, 2019
Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Facebook, Inc.
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,
I am aware that you are under extreme pressure to restrict the right to freedom of speech and thereby undermine the First Amendment of the United States of America.
I am writing to assist you in your effort to resist this pressure and to uphold our Constitutional rights and freedoms, not only for those who have been inappropriately and deceptively labeled “anti-vaccine”, but for all citizens of the world.
Efforts to Undermine Constitutional Rights and Mandates
The use of the term “anti-vaccine” is inaccurate and is used intentionally to undermine our right to freedom of speech. Those who use this term would have you believe that our purpose is ideologically against vaccinations, that we are uninformed or misinformed, and that we are spreading false information (fake news) about the safety, effectiveness and necessity of the current practice of artificial immune stimulation, commonly known as vaccination. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The population of citizens who express concern with vaccination have legitimate concerns, and they like all Americans, have Constitutional rights under the First Amendment and elsewhere to communicate with each other.  Moreover, they have a civic duty to participate in their own government. Facebook provides an important public forum for communication and for virtual assembly. For this, Mr. Zuckerberg, we are most grateful.
Americans also have the right under the US Code of Federal Regulations to refuse to participate in medical experimentation.  The pressure upon you to censor those reporting concerns with vaccines is the latest attempt by individuals and organizations within the medical industry, including the CDC, FDA and HHS, who are distributing medical products that have not undergone proper safety testing, and have the unusual status of being excluded from legal liability. These individuals and organizations are short-circuiting US Congressional mandates to make vaccines safer.
The Use of the Term Anti-Vaccine
The mainstream media and those who wish to erode the medical ethic of informed consent use the label “anti-vaccine” to describe those individuals, mostly parents, but also researchers and medical professionals, who are raising legitimate concerns about the safety, effectiveness and necessity of the CDC vaccination schedule and products.
This term is manipulative and dishonest and is used intentionally to marginalize an increasingly large group of citizens. The correct term for the population in question is – individuals who are “vaccine risk aware”.
The awareness of vaccine risk is most often the result of a direct experience of being vaccine injured or having a loved one, mostly our children, injured or killed by vaccination. We are effectively human subjects in uncontrolled vaccine safety trials. And yes, some are ideologically against vaccination for religious, medical, and moral reasons after considerable research into the science and practice of vaccinations.
Virtually all of us began this journey as “pro-vaxxers”.  Our children would not be vaccine injured had we not accepted, without question, the messaging of the corporate medical industry that vaccines are “safe and effective”. Unfortunately, we discovered first hand that vaccines are not safe.  The harm caused each of us to begin the journey of educating ourselves about vaccines and vaccine injury. What we discovered is that the corporate medical industry, government regulators, and mainstream media are lying to us. What the medical industry, governments and the media say science says about vaccine safety and effectiveness and what the science actually tells us are two completely different and contradictory things.
I’m providing this information to assist you in your understanding of the real issues here as you engage in the significant decision of whether you will continue to permit the posting by Facebook members who are vaccine-risk aware or succumb to the pressure by the corporate medical industry to censor free speech.
The Bottom Line
As a businessman I know you will appreciate if I simply get to the bottom line. The following statements summarize the current status of vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity in America today:

  1. Vaccine injury is real.
  2. The statement “Vaccines are safe and effective” is an official ideology, not scientific truth and is not supported by scientific evidence.
  3. The US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $4 Billion in compensation for vaccine injury and death since 1989.
  4. Vaccines have not been proven to cause less permanent injury than the diseases they target.
  5. Vaccines are a liability-free product and therefore Americans do not have the safeguards and protection of our legal system.
  6. There is no medical justification to advocate for the elimination of informed consent and basic human rights in America.
  7. The undisputed fact is we are experiencing “a failing state of children’s health”. 54% of American children have a chronic health condition. There is an explosion of allergic/anaphylactic diseases, neurological disease, autoimmune diseases, mental illness, and cancers that now afflict infants and children on a scale never before seen.
  8. There is compelling evidence, much of it developed in the last ten years, that the injection of vaccine ingredients is contributing to the significant and permanent injury, even death of our infants and children.

Ethical Medicine
Mr. Zuckerberg, prior, free and informed consent is the hallmark of modern ethical medicine. Efforts to undermine free and informed consent amounts to medical tyranny. This cannot be allowed to happen. Good products, backed by solid evidence of safety and effectiveness, do not require coercion and misrepresentation.
What is occurring in America today is not only the systemic harming of our health, but also the hollowing out of our rights and freedoms. You are being asked by the corporate medical industry, who is free from legal liability, to undermine our rights and freedoms. Instead, we ask you to stand with the individuals, families, researchers and medical professionals who have legitimate concerns about vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity. We are asking you to be a bastion to help protect American freedoms and values.

To paraphrase John F Kennedy –

“There is little value in insuring the survival of our children
if our rights and freedoms do not survive with them.”

We Need An Advocate

Mr. Zuckerberg, we need an advocate in America today who will protect our rights to freedom of speech and assembly. We have been abandoned by the mainstream media. We have been pushed out of the public square. Facebook is one of the few remaining opportunities for public discourse. With regard to the important matter of vaccine safety and effectiveness, we need more conversation, not less. More investigation, not less. More oversight, not less. More accountability, not less.
Will you support us in our efforts to have real investigative journalism, ask the hard questions, dig into the new and emerging scientific literature, and demand the kind of accountability that will help safeguard our children? Will Facebook be this advocate for truth? Will Facebook help us to hold vaccine manufacturers and our government regulators accountable? Will Facebook safeguard our basic human right to voluntary and informed consent and the sovereignty of the human body?
When you undermine choice, it will cause your own choices to be undermined. When you undermine freedom, it will cause your own freedom to be undermined. When you undermine informed consent, it will undermine your own right to informed consent. Whatever you cause another to experience, you will one day experience.
These efforts at censorship are a desperate attempt by a desperate industry to control the behavior of free-thinking citizens. Mr. Zuckerberg, you may choose to look the other way, however, my intention in sending this information is that you can never again say that you did not know. The future of our children is at risk. What will you do?
I await your considered response.
Ted Kuntz, parent of a vaccine injured child now deceased

“Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues,
the wrath of their society.  Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence.   Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world
which yields most painfully to change.”

RFK – 1966

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