
COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Decisions from a Pediatric Perspective

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COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Decisions from a Pediatric Perspective: Evaluating the risks and benefits for your child or adolescent beyond CDC, FDA or WHO proclamations

Children and adolescents have been at the forefront of many discussions about COVID-19 — whether related to school closures, masking, or experimental vaccines. In this eBook, written from the perspective of pediatricians working on the front lines of health care, Children’s Health Defense deconstructs the fear-based media coverage to underscore children’s very low risk of serious coronavirus illness and help parents make well-informed decisions.

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The media’s alarmism doesn’t square with the facts.

In December 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) okayed the emergency use of Pfizer’s experimental COVID vaccine for individuals age 16 and up. Against all reasonable evidence, FDA then expanded that authorization in May 2021 to younger adolescents (ages 12–15), and it is now considering doing the same for children ages 5 to 11.

To weigh the risk of natural infection — which confers strong and long-lasting immunity — against the risk of vaccination, it is essential that parents and family members arm themselves with accurate and complete information. In this comprehensive and extensively referenced eBook, Children’s Health Defense outlines the following:

  • The vast majority of children and adolescents who experience COVID illness have mild or no symptoms and uneventful outcomes.
  • Effective and inexpensive preventive measures and treatments for COVID are available.
  • Lockdowns, masking and other restrictions have taken a far greater toll on children’s physical and mental health than COVID.
  • “Positive” PCR test results for COVID mean little — most are false-positives.
  • The novel technologies in COVID vaccines, including synthetic spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles that can cross the blood-brain barrier, introduce new layers of complexity and many more opportunities for something to go wrong.
  • Experimental COVID shots have caused healthy adolescents to die or experience serious, life-changing adverse reactions, including blood clots, heart problems, extreme fatigue and menstrual irregularities.
  • COVID vaccines also pose potential long-term risks for healthy young people, including possible effects on fertility; four out of five pregnant women (82%) in one Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study experienced pregnancy loss after receiving COVID injections in the first or second trimesters.
  • When a disease poses very little risk to a healthy young person, the safety profile of a recommended vaccine must be exemplary, but this is not the case with COVID vaccines. For young people, harms from experimental COVID vaccines clearly outweigh potential benefits.

The COVID crisis has exposed the dangers of pronouncements on high from public health officials. As this eBook tries to show, one-size-fits-all public health measures are illogical, ineffective and harmful. Our children deserve far better.

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