ORDER TODAY �?Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths

Action Alerts

Advocacy Tools:

Advocacy requires dialogue, education and engagement with local authorities, state elected officials and federal representatives. Stay on the pulse of issues impacting the health and freedom of our children by participating in our action alerts. You can take meaningful action in just a few seconds by completing any of our action alerts targeting those making decisions that impact current and future generations. Share them with others who are also concerned about protecting our health freedom.

Stop the WHO Power Grab
May 10, 2023

Stop the WHO Power Grab!

The World Health Organization is preparing amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations which would give the WHO unprecedented power over national-level governments – and override national sovereignty.

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The WHO and the U.N. are attempting a worldwide power grab
May 05, 2023

Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights

The Great Freeset >> Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights

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Tell you elected officials to support utility meter choice
April 13, 2023

Tell Your Federal and State Legislators to Introduce/Support Utility Meter Choice!

Smart and digital utility meters are actively being deployed and mandated across the U.S. without adequately informing consumers of the health, safety and privacy risks.

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Support the NIH — Senator Rand Paul and partial display of bill text
April 06, 2023

Support the NIH Reform Act!

Contact your legislators today and urge them to support the NIH Reform Act to ensure greater NIH accountability.

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woman by cell tower, holding her head as if in pain
March 07, 2023

DEADLINE EXTENDED – Action Alert: Demand the FCC Recognize Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) and Prioritize #FiberFirst

Tell the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to recognize Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) as a legitimate health condition, accommodate those disabled by it and demand #FiberFirst. With this new rule, the FCC wants to ensure everyone has access to wireless high-speed internet. Despite mounting evidence that radiofrequency (RF) radiation from wireless technology is harmful to people and […]

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young woman receiving an injection of Gardasil
February 28, 2023

UPDATE: One Last Step for AB 659: Bill Amendment Needed To Clarify That HPV Vaccination IS NOT MANDATORY!!

Gardasil still has unanswered questions on safety and efficacy. California no longer has philosophical or religious exemptions, and medical exemptions are nearly impossible to obtain. We must educate the committee members about the impact AB 659 would have on the children of California.

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Image of American flag and Veteran.
February 15, 2023

Take Action Now: Demand the Department of Veterans Affairs Acknowledge Service-Connected COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries!

Please take 30 seconds to tell your lawmakers to ensure that our veterans receive the disability that they deserve and help protect our vaccine-injured veterans.

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Photo of little girl getting a shot.
February 14, 2023

Ask State Legislators to Ban COVID Vaccine Mandates for Students

Now is the time to advocate for your right to choose or forgo COVID vaccinations for school attendance and protect your rights for informed consent. Ask your legislators to ban COVID vaccine mandates for daycare and students as 21 states have already done.

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Investigation and Accountability in Your State - Graphic Image
January 28, 2023

Take Action Now: Demand Accountability for COVID-19 Wrongdoing In Your State!

The time has come for each of us to insist that every state in America conduct a thorough investigation of COVID-19 misconduct.

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Wireless Safety
January 03, 2023

Take Immediate Action for Wireless Safety and Transparency Today!

We need your help to support our allies in California in their fight against the fast-tracked rollout of cell towers and small cells without public notice, environmental review, or right to appeal.

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Take Action Help Virginians challenge smart meter mandates
December 09, 2022

TAKE ACTION: Virginia Families Made to Choose Between Smart Meters or No Power at All!

Almost half a dozen families in Virginia — many with children and elderly family members — had their power cut off in November. Three of those households are still without power. Virginia needs you to take action now!

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Tell the D.C. Council to stop the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children
October 31, 2022

UPDATE – D.C. Council Postpones COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for School Children!

The kids of Washington, D.C. need you to take action! On Thursday, May 4, the D.C. Council will hold a public roundtable on ending the COVID-19 public health emergency.

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October 21, 2022

Demand Public Health Agencies and Lawmakers Stop COVID Vaccine Mandates

Despite immense blowback, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to add COVID-19 injections to its recommended schedule of vaccinations for infants, children and adolescents.

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Childhood Vaccines
October 18, 2022

Urgent Action Alert: Tell ACIP — We’re Watching You: Keep the COVID-19 Vaccine Off the Childhood Schedule

ACIP could potentially make recommendations regarding our children that may have devastating impacts on children’s health.

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Vaccine syringe with red triangle with exclamation point in the middle over the image
October 12, 2022

Insist Public Health Officials Suspend mRNA Vaccines Until States Complete Safety Analyses

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo recently announced new guidance recommending against mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for males ages 18-39. Other states should follow suit.

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Illustration of Stop 5G outside of school building
September 09, 2022

#No5GNearSchools — Keep Cell Towers Away From Schools and Demand 5G Safety Studies

Our kids need your help to protect them from harmful 5G and cell tower radiation! Schools are accepting financial incentives from telecom giants to add cell towers to their properties. In true Big Tech fashion, corporate profits have taken priority over public health.

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Stand with South Africa against medical apartheid
August 04, 2022

URGENT: South Africa Needs Your Help to Stand Against Medical Apartheid — Deadline Friday, August 5

South African Minister of Health, Dr. Joe Phaahla, proposed controversial amendments to National Health Act Regulations that will become a long-term permanent replacement to South Africa’s equally controversial state of disaster COVID-19 regulations.

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Reopen ammerica: let Navak Djokovic play in the us open
July 26, 2022

Don’t Let Bad Policy Stand Between Novak Djokovic and US Open

U.S. travel restrictions requiring non-citizens to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 to enter the country are keeping Novak Djokovic from competing in the 2022 US Open Grand Slam. It’s time to end the ineffective, discriminatory policies preventing him from competing.

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Defend the Heroes who defend our freedoms
June 30, 2022

Defend the Heroes Who Defend Our Freedoms

The Department of Defense (DOD) is bringing the battle home to its service members fighting against a dangerous, tyrannical COVID-19 vaccine mandate with effectively no exemptions. We are calling on you to come to our brave service members’ defense.

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vaccine vials with text uture framework
June 24, 2022

URGENT! Tell the FDA — Vote NO on �?Future Framework!’

On Tuesday, June 28, FDA’s VRBPAC committee will meet to discuss and vote on a “Future Framework” for evaluating the “next generation” COVID-19 shots. If approved, this allows vaccine manufacturers to bypass the regulatory process and skip clinical trials of newly reformulated COVID shots, in perpetuity.

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covid vaccines dangerous kids feature
June 12, 2022

URGENT! Send Your Lawmakers RFK, Jr.’s Letter to FDA VRBPAC Committee Members

On Tuesday and Wednesday, June 14 and 15, the FDA VRBPAC committee is likely to make a catastrophic decision by voting to grant Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) to allow for infants and young children to receive Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID shots.

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state of California image overlaid on image of youth on cell phones with one in foreground receiving an injection
June 08, 2022

Californians – Express Your Opinions on SB866 Today!

If SB866 passes, it will permit minors 12 years of age or older to consent to any vaccine approved by the FDA and recommended by the CDC without parental knowledge or permission.

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June 06, 2022

Action Alert: Tell the FDA to Get Their #HandsOffOurChildren

We must stop the FDA’s attack, beginning with a campaign to end unethical and unsubstantiated Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) that will subject our younger and most vulnerable children to the unnecessary risks of COVID shots.

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May 26, 2022

Action Alert: Join Children’s Health Defense in Demanding that the FDA Withdraw its Approval of Remdesivir for Children

While those who stand to profit from remdesivir sales claim that the drug can potentially reduce disease progression and help children recover more quickly, remdesivir is known to be highly toxic. The FDA needs to #FollowtheScience and set a higher bar when it comes to the health and safety of our children.

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May 24, 2022

Action Alert: It’s Now or Never. We Must #StopTheTreaty.

We cannot afford to centralize power under a global public health organization that fails to recognize the benefits of natural immunity, suggests that vaccines are the only way to herd immunity and has walked away from science, transparency and accountability. This is a “use it or lose it” moment for freedom.

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Demand FCC Recognize Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Implement #FiberFirst
May 24, 2022

Action Alert:#FiberFirst – Demand the FCC Recognize Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS)

We need all hands on deck to persuade the FCC by June 30 that wired (fiber-based) broadband should be the preferred mode of broadband access delivery, and to finally recognize the need for special measures to address the electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) disabled community.

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May 05, 2022

Action Alert: NY Mandatory Statewide Adult Vaccination Database Proposed

New York is coming for the adults. Senate Bill S75A would require physicians and health care practitioners to record every dose of a vaccination given to an adult in a New York State database.

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April 01, 2022

Action Alert: #ParentsAreWatching! Demand That the FDA Deny Pfizer’s EUA Application for Children Under 5

We need to voice our concerns to the FDA about the risks and harms our children face if exposed to this risky vaccine. Granting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine Emergency Use Authorization for our youngest children could prove devastating for the health of nearly 20 million children in our country.

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March 11, 2022

Action Alert: Tell Congress to Rescind Federal Emergency Powers Granted in 2020

The Senate has voted 48-47 to end the emergency powers put in place in March, 2020 in response to the COVID crisis. It’s critical that all of us contact our representatives in Congress to demand that these emergency powers be taken away immediately.

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January 14, 2022

Action Alert: Evidence Mounts Fauci Lied to Congress — Ask Your Elected Officials to Launch Immediate Investigation of �?America’s Doctor’

In a Jan. 11 letter to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Sec. Xavier Becerra from James Comer, ranking member of the Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, and Jim Jordan, ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, the Congressmen asked for a “transcribed interview” of Dr. Fauci.

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December 09, 2021

Action Alert: Protect Americans’ Rights to Medical Freedom

H.R. 550, a federal bill passed Nov. 30  by the U.S. House of Representatives, would expand state and local health department vaccine-tracking systems to monitor the vaccination status of American citizens. States would provide the information to the federal government.

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December 01, 2021

Action Alert: Demand a Full Investigation of ‘America’s Doctor,’ Help Expose ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’

Help CHD protect the health of our nation’s children and preserve democracy by alerting your elected officials to “The Real Anthony Fauci,” and asking for an investigation of Fauci’s handling of the COVID crisis. Every American needs to read this book, especially lawmakers who have the power and ability to hold Fauci accountable for his actions.

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According to The BMJ, “speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety.”
November 10, 2021

Action Alert: Tell your elected officials to launch an immediate investigation into the FDA’s neglect of Pfizer COVID vaccine whistleblower claims and vaccine advisory committee’s Pharma ties

On November 2, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an investigation finding poor research practices at Ventavia, a contract research company that conducted COVID-19 vaccine trials for Pfizer. According to the BMJ, “speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety.” A former Ventavia employee told the BMJ that the company had “falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial.

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Female doctor giving an injection to a young girl
November 01, 2021

Action Alert: Send RFK, Jr.’s letter to your elected officials now regarding potential CDC Recommendation of COVID vaccines for five- to eleven-year-old children.

The letter highlights the latest peer-reviewed research that shows children have virtually zero risk of hospitalization and death from the COVID-19 virus. Furthermore, it outlines the serious known risks of immediate harm and the unknown long-term risks from the vaccines to children. The committee meets Wednesday, Nov.2 and 3, to decide on whether to recommend Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children aged 5 to 11. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee approved Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccine for this age group last week.

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Kids vaccination
October 25, 2021

Action Alert: Send RFK, Jr.’s letter to your elected officials now regarding potential FDA Authorization of COVID vaccines for five- to eleven-year-old children.

RFK Jr.’s letter to the FDA, VRBPAC highlights the latest peer-reviewed research that shows children have virtually zero risk of hospitalization and death from the COVID-19 virus. Contact your elected officials today about the potential FDA approval of COVID vaccines for five- to eleven-year-old children.

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Take Action to support review of Fauci's testimony
September 10, 2021

Action Alert: Call for Investigation Into Dr. Anthony Fauci and his Agency’s Role in Gain-of-Function Research

New documents released via FOIA litigation confirm what Senator Rand Paul has been asserting for months. Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress about funding “gain-of-function” research in Wuhan, China when he insisted that the U.S. “has not ever, and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

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Walk out Week Rally
August 20, 2021

Children’s Health Defense Launches �?Walk Out Week’ to Combat Arbitrary and Dangerous Mandates and Restrictions

We have launched a nationwide “Walk Out Week” starting on September 13 in response to mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses around the country. Parents, educators and concerned citizens across the U.S. will participate in the coordinated week-long event focused on peaceful non-compliance, to remind government officials that individuals should have the final say when it comes to their health and that of their children.

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Warning of travel restriction in airport
August 20, 2021

Action Alert: HR 4980 Requires COVID Vaccination for Flights to and From U.S.

Federal bill H.R. 4980 would require anyone flying in or out of the United States to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. This is dangerous legislation that will do little to mitigate the spread of disease and will instead further erode the rights of Americans and those wishing to travel to the US.

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June 28, 2021

Stop OTARD in Your Community

To protect our health, our children and the vulnerable, to maintain neighborly relations and our communities, to defend our property and our rights, we must stop OTARD. Watch this video to learn more about OTARD and what you can do.

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June 23, 2021

Tell Schools/Universities No Vaccine Mandates for Children/Young Adults!

Schools and universities are considering mandates now. Today, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said that there is “likely” a link between heart inflammation and Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines. During the meeting, the committee members acknowledged 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in 16- to 24-year-olds, and said mRNA COVID vaccines should carry a warning statement.

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May 25, 2021

NEW YORKERS — PLEASE TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Lawmakers You Oppose Mandated Vaccine Reporting for Adults

Bill S75/A279 requires medical professionals who administer vaccines to patients 19 and older to enter their vaccine records in state-operated immunization registries which then provide the data to the New York State Department of Health or the New York City Department of Health (for providers treating patients in New York City).

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CHD and MAMM are asking the FDA to take seven actions.
May 20, 2021

POST A COMMENT: CHD Calls on FDA to Immediately Take COVID Vaccines Off the Market

Children’s Health Defense and Millions Against Medical Mandates invite parents, healthcare practitioners, military members and others to comment on their petition calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to immediately remove COVID vaccines from the market.

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Send the letter to President Biden.
May 03, 2021

Urgent Call to Action! Tell President Biden: Dr. Pan Is Wrong Choice for HRSA

Please sign our letter to President Joe Biden letting him know you oppose the appointment of California Senator Dr. Richard Pan as Health Resources and Services Administration administrator.

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How did the pandemic start?
April 01, 2021

Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic

On March 13, 2020, President Trump formally declared coronavirus a national health emergency. The declaration unleashed billions of dollars in federal aid to state and local governments to respond to the pandemic threat.

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How did the pandemic start?
March 26, 2021

Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins and Government Response to Pandemic

Rep. Bill Posey has introduced H.R. 834, a bill that would create an independent bipartisan congressional commission to investigate the origins of COVID-19 and the government’s response to the pandemic.

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December 28, 2020

Stand With Us to Continue Legal Efforts

Democracy itself hangs in the balance.

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December 08, 2020

RFK, Jr. Urges FDA to Slow Down COVID Vaccine Approval Process

In a letter to Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asks the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to take a cautious approach in approving COVID-19 vaccines that have been developed at “warp speed.”

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November 05, 2020

DC Law Would Give Vaccine Decisions to Kids 11 or Older Without Parents’ Knowledge or Consent

Children could consent to vaccines without parents’ permission, while insurance companies, vaccine providers and schools would be required to conceal that the child has been vaccinated.

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Microphones being held up to man in suit
October 22, 2020

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense Call for Congressional Investigation of COVID origin

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) are calling upon Congress to conduct a thorough investigation of the circumstances behind the global COVID-19 crisis that is taking an overwhelming toll on human lives and livelihoods.

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Hepatitis B Vaccine
September 11, 2020

Tell Congress to Urge FDA to Take Action on Improperly Tested Hepatitis B Vaccines

Send a letter today to your state and federal representatives urging the FDA to take action on improperly tested Hepatitis B vaccines.

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July 14, 2020

Easton CT is Saying NO THANKS to 5G, and We Can Too!

Take Action and request that your city pass a “cease and desist” resolution calling on wireless companies to stop their build out of 4G/5G small cell wireless antennas until such facilities are proven safe through independent research!

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July 02, 2020

My Child, My Choice Click to Action

Our mission at CHD is to stop the epidemics of poor health plaguing the world’s children. Let’s stand tall together shoulder-to-shoulder, country-to-country, as Defenders of Children’s Health!

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June 08, 2020

NYSBA Click to Take Action

On May 13, the New York State Bar Association issued a Report of its Health Law Section Task Force on COVID-19. On the topic of vaccination, however, the report strays from common sense into rank salesmanship, attempting to sell people on the idea of COVID-19 vaccine mandates for every man, woman and child in New York State and the country. This is a shocking recommendation with no mention of safety, informed consent or the right to refuse unwanted medical interventions. Take Action Now!

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May 14, 2020

Tell Congress: H.R. 6666 �?COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act’ is Unconstitutional and Threatens the Liberty of All Americans

HR 6666, the “TRACE” Act has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives to implement strategies to legalize surveillance of all people in this country, in clear violation of Article I of the Constitution. It is conspicuously vague, allocating $100 billion in taxpayer funds to entities of the CDC’s choosing for contact tracing and for “other purposes.” Use our “Click-to-Action” system to easily send a letter to your U.S. Representative in Congress.

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April 17, 2020

Sign to Join CHD’s Submission to Stop FCC Rule Allowing 5G & Satellites Antennas on Homes

The FCC is about to expand its �?Over The Air Reception Devices’ (OTARD) rule (WT 19-71), to allow wireless companies to install 5G and other cell towers and transmitting devices (not only receiving devices as the name suggests) on homes.

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November 20, 2019

CHD Needs Your Help

Join the Movement. Share the Message. Support the Cause— The state of children’s health is unacceptable. CHD is planning many strategies in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. Your membership fee will help CHD reach our goals.

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February 22, 2019

Maintaining Medical Freedom: Urgent Action Required!

Threats to end religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions have just been ratcheted up to an unprecedented federal level. If parents and caregivers are stripped of the ability to make healthcare decisions for their children, reinstating that ability may be nearly impossible. We need to take action now to prevent the government from dictating what is injected into our children.

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October 04, 2018

ACTION ALERT! Ask for Investigation of Fraud and Obstruction of Justice in the Omnibus Autism Proceedings!

If you do nothing else, find five minutes to call the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Michael Horowitz at the Department of Justice: (202) 514-3435. (They may direct you to a URL “hotline” to put in a complaint. Feel free to do so but it isn’t necessary. RFK, Jr. has already put in the complaint. We just need the OIG to know that thousands want an investigation.)

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