
Health Freedom

Children’s Health Defense believes in complete health freedom for parents. It should be the parent’s choice, and not the government’s, to decide what goes into the bodies of their children. In Italy, citizens staged a nation-wide protest, successfully overturning a national vaccine mandate, but not without fierce pushback. In the U.S., statewide policy has become more and more oppressive while, at the same time, more inadequately-tested vaccines are added to the childhood schedule. In many states personal belief and religious exemptions have been eliminated, despite studies and VICP reports that show vaccines ingredients can injure and kill children, and child protection agencies have gotten involved to punish informed parents who wish to keep their children safe from vaccines. Children’s Health Defense is committed to supporting not only informed consent for any medical procedure but also the need for factual and unbiased medical information regarding benefits and risks. Please contact us if you have concerns about your health freedom.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

It’s Time to Follow the Science

Watch this important video from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel of Children’s Health Defense to learn why “It’s Time to Follow the Science.” Don’t let your guard down! While it may appear that mandates are being lifted, our federal government still hasn’t ended the Emergency Powers Act. Our nation is at […]

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Worldwide Walkouts – Show Up Strong to Defeat the Mandates

Related Content Upcoming Events List Press Release Stop Mandates Advocacy Hub Defender Days Sticker Gallery Advocacy Handouts Gallery On Sunday, April 10, in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park, Defeat the Mandates is holding a day-long rally and celebration to end the mandate system permanently. Why California? Because Big Pharma + Big Tech […]

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There is no history to prove or disprove whether the use of lockdowns will control a virus so we must rely on data and events happening in real-time. The following is list of studies and articles on the effectiveness of the use of lockdowns and their relationship to virus control.

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Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights?

eBook Sign-Up—Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights?

¡También disponible en español! Free eBook Vaccine Mandates: An Erosion of Civil Rights? Around the world, vaccine mandates are snowballing. In the U.S. growing numbers of legislators and public health offi­cials are imposing oppressive mandates that trample on religious, parental and human rights. In this, our third Children’s Health Defense eBook, we will take a […]

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‘Governments Love Pandemics’: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in ‘Bold and Blunt’ Podcast

Earlier this week, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke with Cheryl Chumley with the Washington Times podcast “Bold and Blunt.” In a segment titled “Governments Love Pandemics.”

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Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom

This was a historic weekend for freedom activists around the world. Saturday, August 29th, one million true citizens of all walks of life united to stand against unscientific lock downs, government totalitarianism, and medical mandates.

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The Risks vs. Benefits of Face Masks- Is There an Agenda?

There has been a shifting of positions on the use of face masks with the COVID-19 outbreakIs there sound medical or scientific basis for the recommendations? Is much of it simply virtue signaling? Is there a legitimate rationale to do it to protect the vulnerable? And if so, at what cost to the rest of society? There are many important considerations including the risk versus the reward.

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COVID Testing: What Are We Doing? What Does It Mean?

In this midst of this pandemic, authorities claim that testing is important more many reasons. Are the reasons sufficient to give up our health freedom and our personal rights? Who should be tested? What types of tests are in use? What about false results? Dr. Sherri Tenpenny takes a look at these questions and more.

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Action Alert—New Jersey: Contact Your State Senators!

Reach out to NJ Senators and ask them to retain ALL religious exemptions in ALL public AND private schools.”

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Update on Sacramento Seven Arrested at “Occupy” in Sacramento, CA

Seven parents were arrested on September 9, the 7th day of the 11-day Occupy of CA Capitol (9/3 to 9/13) in protest of SB 276 & SB 714 which removed the broad ME to vaccination resulting in the complete exclusion of the most medically fragile and vulnerable children in CA from all daycare and school.

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UN Praises Maldives Bill Outlawing Informed Consent for Pharmaceuticals

The parliament of the Republic of Maldives on November 14 passed a bill effectively outlawing the exercise of the right to informed consent, one of the most fundamental ethics in medicine. If ratified, according to multiple Maldives online news sources, the new law would make it illegal for parents to decline certain pharmaceutical products for their children.

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Vaccine Mandates for Everyone, Everywhere—A Globally Coordinated Agenda

In the United States, those who are vaccine risk-aware have much to be concerned about right now. More and more states—and many legislators from both political parties—are displaying a willingness to impose heavy-handed vaccine mandates that trample on religious, parental and human rights—including the precious right to “security of person” guaranteed by Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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The True Purpose of CA SB276

Merck introduced its measles vaccine in 1963, claiming the vaccine would convey lifelong immunity equivalent to a natural infection, with health officials promising that 55% vaccine coverage would produce “herd immunity” sufficient to eradicate measles by 1967.

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An Untenable Status Quo — Conflicts of Interest Must Go

As the Children’s Health Defense eBook, Conflicts of Interest Undermine Children’s Health, tries to make clear, the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986 was a watershed event that emboldened vaccine manufacturers and their public- and private-sector accomplices—notably the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to systematically hide the serious damage caused by vaccines.

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Families of Children with Disabilities Sue New York State to Enforce Rights Under IDEA and Allow Children to Attend School

Attorneys Kim Mack Rosenberg of Bouer Law LLC, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense (CHD), filed a lawsuit July 25, 2019, in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York (NY). The lawsuit asks the Court to enjoin the State from enforcing a recent repeal of religious vaccine exemptions under the NY vaccine law that will cause the catastrophic exclusion from school of thousands of children with disabilities despite federal law to the contrary.

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Health Committee Votes Yes to SB276, “Pan’s Labyrinth”

In June, the California Assembly Health Committee voted to send SB276 to the Appropriations Committee. The bill would eliminate the majority of vaccine medical exemptions that protect medically fragile children. California law currently supports these exemptions.

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AMA Says Mature 12-Year-Olds Can Consent to Vaccination Without Parents — Taking Away the Last Barrier Protecting Innocent Children from Big Pharma

At the recently concluded annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) in Chicago, AMA delegates adopted a doozy of a new policy. The powerful trade group agreed to develop model legislation that pressures state legislatures into allowing minors to “override refusenik parents on vaccination.”

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Failure to Vaccinate or Vaccine Failure: What Is Driving Disease Outbreaks?

In late February, in testimony on measles for the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Dr. Anthony Fauci—director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)—admitted with a chuckle that he and most of the Committee members sitting before him had uneventfully experienced measles as children and had recovered completely.

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The Flawed Logic of Hepatitis B Vaccine Mandates

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommend that newborn babies get the hepatitis B vaccine on their first day of life. About 12 million doses are administered to American babies in any given year. However, unless their mothers harbor the virus (determined by routine prenatal blood testing), newborns are probably the least likely human beings on the planet at risk of actually getting hepatitis B.

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Vaccine Vials

Vaccine Mandates Results Don’t Safeguard Children’s Rights or Health: How Did We Get Here?

For decades, the U.S. government has made compulsory childhood vaccination one of the cornerstones of its public health policy. Outside the U.S., countries’ vaccination policies range from completely voluntary to “aggressive,” with some nations promoting vaccination but leaving the decision up to the individual, and others pushing a little harder by financially incentivizing vaccination.

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