March 30, 2022

Worldwide Walkouts – Show Up Strong to Defeat the Mandates

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On Sunday, April 10, in the heart of Los Angeles at Grand Park, Defeat the Mandates is holding a day-long rally and celebration to end the mandate system permanently.

Why California? Because Big Pharma + Big Tech corporatists who control the state government are on the verge of passing a series of legislation that will:

  • FORCE vaccines on ALL California employees, independent contractors and employers.
  • END parental consent to vaccinate.
  • FORCE vaccines on ALL students preschool through grade 12.
  • END the ability of doctors, nurses and other health care providers to speak freely with their patients and choose appropriate treatments of choice without state action against their licenses.

Join us from noon to 8 p.m. for a day of lively speeches, comedy, community, food and live music.

No Masks.
No Mandates.
No Fear.

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