ORDER TODAY �?Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths

Take Immediate Action for Wireless Safety and Transparency Today!

We need your help to support our allies in California in their fight against the fast-tracked rollout of cell towers and small cells without public notice, environmental review, or right to appeal.

Imagine waking up one morning to a cell tower being installed in your front yard. You were not notified and are not allowed to appeal the decision. There is nothing you can do.

For many people in California, this nightmare could become a reality on Jan. 10, and they need your help today!

Take Action Now

On Jan. 10, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Board) will vote on changes to Titles 16 and 22 of the L.A. County Code. If the proposed changes pass, wireless facilities will be installed without any prior notice, public hearing or opportunity to appeal — without fire or safety scrutiny and without regard to critical environmental protections.

We need you to stand up for our allies in L.A. by urging the Board to vote NO on the proposed changes to Titles 16 and 22 of the L.A. County Code and to safeguard due process rights.

Why should you care?

We have seen time and time again that policies adopted in California quickly spread to other states. If adopted in L.A., similar changes will likely pass throughout California and the rest of the United States.

Telecom giants will get a free pass to further fast-track the installation of cell towers and small cells in your yards and next to your children’s schools. Due process rights will be stripped from residents. These installations are not safe! They pose a significant fire risk and continuously expose us, our children and the environment to toxic levels of RF radiation. Wireless facilities will be installed without any prior notice, public hearing or opportunity to appeal — without fire or safety scrutiny and without regard to critical environmental protections.

Do not give up local control and stop these dangerous developments now, before they are proposed in your State!

What You Can Do

Tell the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to safeguard due process rights by voting NO to the proposed changes to Titles 16 and 22 of the L.A. County Code. Complete the form below and call their offices to demand the following protections:

  • Safeguard Due Process Rights: The radiation emitted from cell towers is not safe for humans or the environment. Therefore, the placement of antennas is a matter of urgent public interest. Cutting off debate, eliminating public input and ignoring environmental laws (including CEQA) is unjustified.
  • Adopt the Redline: Urge the Board of Supervisors to adopt the redline for Titles 16 and 22 that Fiber First L.A. submitted. Encourage them to invest in resources and take advantage of federal dollars to provide superior fiber optic broadband connections rather than slow, unreliable, expensive, unregulated and hazardous wireless broadband that requires hundreds of new antennas in our residential neighborhoods.
  • Protect Us From Telecom Wildfires: In the last 15 years, there have been four major Southern California wildfires initiated, in whole or in part, by telecommunications equipment. Cell tower fires are electrical fires that firefighters cannot fight until the grid is cut, which can take up to 60 minutes. Cell tower placement close to homes or schools may not allow enough time for escape in the event of a fire. The proposed revisions enable cell towers to be too close to homes, schools and daycare centers.
  • Stick to Facts: In case of emergency, should there be a loss of electricity, 911 calls would depend solely upon the macro towers that receive backup power per the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Order. The claim that hundreds of new small cell antennas are required for 911 calls is false and should not be used as an argument for the amendments.

Fill out our form to tell the Board to prioritize the health and safety of residents and the environment and to vote NO on Jan. 10!

If the form does not appear, please use this page.

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