“Where does radical opposition to the establishment agenda come from if anybody who speaks out against the agenda is one way or another ‘cleansed’ from the system?” — Russell Brand



In a recent episode of “Stay Free,” comedian and political commentator Russell Brand addressed Fox News’ firing of Tucker Carlson, telling viewers that while most other nightly news shows talk about “peripheral issues” and not “the heart of the machine” — the military-industrial complex — “Tucker Carlson went there.”


The FCC has refused to revise its radiation-exposure limits, which date back to the era of flip phones.

To call the FCC’s environmental approach hands-off would be an understatement.



The Federal Communications Commission has a broad mandate to ensure that technology doesn’t damage the environment, but as the agency presides over a nationwide buildout for 5G service, requiring 800,000 new “small cell” transmitters, it is ignoring that mandate.


The arrival of Apeel in the marketplace reminds us of the many reasons to prioritize our purchase and consumption of local, traditionally produced, organic, biodynamic and chemical-free foods wherever possible.



Edipeel, marketed as Apeel, is described as a colorless, odorless, tasteless coating for fruit and vegetables that’s composed entirely of a mixture of food-grade glycerolipids, derived from edible plant oils, that we’re assured is entirely safe to eat.


Jack was wrongly informed of the risk of having the COVID-19 vaccine...

Consent cannot be ‘informed’ if the information provided is inaccurate.



It’s time for an unearthing of ethics and a reigniting of the moral compass that resides within each one of us, one that can act as a guidance system toward a brighter, more enlightened and more natural future.


“Don’t wait for someone else to fix this for you, electropollution is too dangerous for us, our children and our pollinators.” — Cecelia Doucette, Massachusetts for Safe Technology



The residents of two Massachusetts towns on Monday voted to put a hold on 5G cell tower projects until the Federal Communications Commission completes a court-ordered review of the latest science related to the effect of radiofrequency radiation emissions on human health and the environment.
