A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Chairman on Leave
May 05, 2023

Florida Freedom At Risk

Over the past few months Floridians have been tracking with a powerful health freedom bill that any true freedom loving state would have ensured passage into law. Last fall, dedicated grassroots advocates from Health Freedom Florida who collaborate with Children’s Health Defense Florida created this astonishing health freedom bill for the 4th year and it was gaining great support within the legislative body in Tallahassee. It protected people’s vaccination and immunity status permanently, ended all vaccine discrimination, stopped the federal government from getting Floridians medical data which they currently do, removed the mandatory tracking of Floridian’s vaccination status through Florida Shots, protected our children from EUA vaccines, protected all public and private employees from ALL current and future vaccine mandates and ALL vaccine passports (Not just COVID-19.)  The bill was an historic piece of legislation that within the halls of Tallahassee should have moved swiftly with the current super majority in play.  Moreover, the words of the Governor over the past several months ensured many that he supported SB222.

However, Floridians were dismayed to learn about another bill created days before the legislative session that did not deliver the protections Floridians need and did not deliver on the promises made by the Governor.  This  week legislators passed a what many are calling a “fool you fake freedom bill” called bill SB252 that forces employees to follow federal government mandates and opens the door to the World Health Organization to control our health policies. And, while it claims to prevent MRNA vaccine mandates its only temporary.  It also gives an exemption to the medical community to deny care and treatment to babies and children as the discrimination only protects for COVID-19 vaccination discrimination.  Yet, we know this has been a decades old problem where families are denied care for not following the CDC toxic vaccination schedule. 

A mass twitter storm erupted and gained hundreds of thousands of views and the momentum continued to move!  Articles in the Florida Standard, who called SB252 an imposter bill, where our very own President, Mo van Hoek was interviewed explaining the problems and how this is dangerous legislation for Florida.   Dr. Toni Krehel, a collaborator with Health Freedom Florida and Children’s Health Defense Florida, drafted an opinion letter in Tallahassee Democrat offering additional insights into the vast differences of SB222 & Sb252.  Next the bill goes to the Governor for signing.

For more details on the issues with SB252 please watch Good Morning CHD here as CHD Florida’s volunteer, Nick Caturano, and 18 year Disney cast member, discusses the numerous problems with bill SB252 which passed in the Florida House and Senate this week.  “There shouldn’t be any sunsetting on our freedoms.”

Twitter: @NickCaturano