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Published: 2022

To assess the association between cumulative aluminum exposure from vaccines before age 24 months and persistent asthma at age 24 to 59 months.


Association Between Aluminum Exposure From Vaccines Before Age 24 Months and Persistent Asthma at Age 24 to 59 Months


M. F. Daley, M.D.; L. M. Reifler, MPH; J. M. Glanz, Ph.D.; S. J. Hambidge, M.D., Ph.D.; D. G., M.D., Ph.D.; S. A. Irving, MHS; J. D. Nordin, M.D., MPH; D. L. McClure, Ph.D.; N. P. Klein, M.D., Ph.D.; M. L. Jackson, Ph.D., MPH; S. Kamidani, M.D.; J.Duffy, M.D., MPH; Frank DeStefano, M.D.


In a large observational study, a positive association was found between vaccine-related aluminum exposure and persistent asthma. While recognizing the small effect sizes identified and the potential for residual confounding, additional investigation of this hypothesis appears warranted.

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Published: 2021

The prevalence of asthma, wheeze and eczema among children at 12 months of age might be related to the amount of inactivated vaccine exposure before 6 months of age.


Cumulative inactivated vaccine exposure and allergy development among children: a birth cohort from Japan


Yamamoto-Hanada et al. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (2020) 25:27


Adjuvants used in inactivated vaccines often upregulate type 2 immunity, which is dominant in allergic diseases. The authors hypothesised that cumulative adjuvant exposure in infancy may influence the development of allergies later in life by changing the balance of type 1/type 2 immunity and  examined the relationship between immunisation with different vaccine types and later allergic disease development. They found that physician-diagnosed asthma was associated with receiving three or four to five different inactivated vaccines, compared with children who received only one inactivated vaccine. Similar results were found for two questionnaire-based symptoms, i.e. wheeze (three vaccines vs. a single vaccine) and
eczema (four or five vaccines vs. a single vaccine).

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Published: 2020

These results highlight a relationship between environmental and residential exposure to glyphosate and high prevalence of asthma, while experimental studies support the biological plausibility of this association.


Risk of asthma and environmental exposure to glyphosate in an ecological study.


Medardo Avila-Vázquez, Flavia Difilippo, Bryan Mac Lean, et al. Risk of asthma and environmental exposure to glyphosate in an ecological study. Authorea. August 13, 2020.
DOI: 10.22541/au.159734524.47178780


Background: There is strong evidence of the link between asthma and occupational exposure to pesticides and glyphosate in agricultural workers, but it is limited on environmental or residential exposure to these chemicals. Methods: We analyze asthma prevalence in an agricultural town with high use of pesticides, mainly glyphosate with an ecological study conducted in Monte Maíz, Argentina, composed of a chemical and environmental analysis to determine the burden of exposure to glyphosate and pesticides in general, and a cross-sectional asthma study that uses the methodological criteria of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC); the prevalence’s found in Monte Maíz are compared with the results of ISAAC in Argentine cities with low exposure to pesticides. Results: In Monte Maíz high and preponderant levels of glyphosate were found in the soil and in corn husk and soybean powder. The environmental exposure burden to pesticides was 121 kilos, for glyphosate 81 kilos per person per year, while this burden in the entire country is 7.9 and 6 kilos respectively. The found asthma prevalences were several times higher than those of reference in all ages, the risk of asthma in children of 13 and 14 years old, with respect to those of three large Argentine cities is: OR of 4.64 (CI: 3, 26 – 6.60). Conclusion: These results highlight a relationship between environmental and residential exposure to glyphosate and high prevalence of asthma, while experimental studies support the biological plausibility of this association.

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Published: 2020

These results suggest that US children with various developmental disabilities or delay may have higher odds for developing asthma vs their typically developing peers.


Estimated Prevalence of Asthma in US Children With Developmental Disabilities


Xie L, Gelfand A, Delclos GL, Atem FD, Kohl HW 3rd, Messiah SE. Estimated Prevalence of Asthma in US Children With Developmental Disabilities. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(6):e207728. Published 2020 Jun 1. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.7728


A total of 71 811 participants were included in our final analytical sample, of whom 5687 had asthma and 11 426  had at least 1 disability. Overall asthma prevalence estimates were 10 percentage points higher in children with a disability vs children without a disability. The odds of asthma were significantly higher in children with a disability or delay vs typically growing children. Adjusted models remained significant for all disability categories. Subgroup analyses showed ethnic minorities had a higher prevalence of concurrent asthma and developmental disabilities vs non-Hispanic whites.

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Published: 2019

Children of mothers with asthma are at increased risk of developing autism, highlighting the importance of studying environmental risk factors during pregnancy.


Parental asthma and risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring: a population and family-based case-control study


Gong T, Lundholm C, Rejno G, et al. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. 2019 Feb 11.



This large observational study reports that children of mothers with asthma are at increased risk of developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The study looked at all children born in Sweden between 1992 and 2007, including almost 23,000 children with ASD. The researchers posit that maternal immune activation during pregnancy may represent a biological mechanism explaining the association. The increased ASD risk could not be explained by socioeconomic, demographic, or genetic factors, underscoring “the importance of investigating other maternal environmental factors.”

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Published: 2018

The neonatal hepatitis B vaccination induced an anti-inflammatory response lasting for 4–5 weeks.


IL-4 mediates the delayed neurobehavioral impairments induced by neonatal hepatitis B vaccination that involves the down-regulation of the IL-4 receptor in the hippocampus


Yang XWJ, Xing Z, Zhang H, et al. Cytokine. 2018; 110:137-149.


Experiments showed that IL-4 mediates the delayed neurobehavioral impairments induced by neonatal hepatitis B vaccination, which involves the permeability of neonatal blood–brain barrier and the down-regulation of IL-4 receptor. This finding suggests that clinical events concerning neonatal IL-4 over-exposure, including neonatal hepatitis B vaccination and allergic asthma in human infants, may have adverse implications for brain development and cognition.

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Published: 2008

Children who delayed the timing of the DPT vaccine had lower rates of asthma.


Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma?


McDonald KL, Huq SI. Journal of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 2008;121:626-631.


“Early childhood immunizations have been viewed as promoters of asthma development by stimulating a T(H)2-type immune response or decreasing microbial pressure, which shifts the balance between T(H)1 and T(H)2 immunity. Among 11, 531 children who received at least 4 doses of DPT, the risk of asthma was reduced to (1/2) in children whose first dose of DPT was delayed by more than 2 months.”

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Published: 2000

UCLA researchers find the DTP vaccine is causing asthma.


Effects of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis or Tetanus Vaccination on Allergies and Allergy-Related Respiratory Symptoms Among Children and Adolescents in the United States


Eric L. Hurwitz, DC, PhD, and Hal Morgenstern, PhD. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 23, Number 2, February 2000.


“Asthma and other allergic hypersensitivity reactions and related symptoms may be caused, in part, by the delayed effects of DTP or tetanus vaccination. Because the proportion of US children who have received at least 1 dose of DTP vaccine approaches 100%, the number of allergies and allergy-related conditions attributable to DTP or tetanus vaccination in the United States may be very high. For example, assuming that the estimated vaccination effect is unbiased, 50% of diagnosed asthma cases (2.93 million) in US children and adolescents would be prevented if the DTP or tetanus vaccination was not administered.”

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