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Published: 2021

The prevalence of asthma, wheeze and eczema among children at 12 months of age might be related to the amount of inactivated vaccine exposure before 6 months of age.


Cumulative inactivated vaccine exposure and allergy development among children: a birth cohort from Japan


Yamamoto-Hanada et al. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine (2020) 25:27


Adjuvants used in inactivated vaccines often upregulate type 2 immunity, which is dominant in allergic diseases. The authors hypothesised that cumulative adjuvant exposure in infancy may influence the development of allergies later in life by changing the balance of type 1/type 2 immunity and  examined the relationship between immunisation with different vaccine types and later allergic disease development. They found that physician-diagnosed asthma was associated with receiving three or four to five different inactivated vaccines, compared with children who received only one inactivated vaccine. Similar results were found for two questionnaire-based symptoms, i.e. wheeze (three vaccines vs. a single vaccine) and
eczema (four or five vaccines vs. a single vaccine).

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Published: 2018

An allergic response to thimerosal, nickel, mercury and cobalt often manifests as hand eczema.


Hand eczema in children. Clinical and epidemiological study of the population referred to a tertiary hospital


Ortiz-Salvador JM, Subiabre-Ferrer D, Rabasco AG, Esteve-Martínez A, Zaragoza-Ninet V, de Miquel VA. Anales de Pediatria (Barc.) 2018;88:309-314.


Hand eczema is a common condition in children. The most common cause is atopic dermatitis, although cases of allergic contact dermatitis manifesting as hand eczema are not uncommon. Using children with hand eczema exclusively, researchers conducted patch-testing. The most frequent allergens detected were thimerosal, nickel, mercury and cobalt.

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