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Published: 2014

FDA’s instruction to health providers that “there is no biologically plausible way in which HPV vaccine could cause infertility” is not science-based and compromises safety monitoring by undermining reporting efficiency, safety signaling and informed consent.


Adolescent premature ovarian insufficiency following human papillomavirus vaccination: A case series seen in general practice


Little DT, Ward HR. Journal of Investigative Medicine-High Impact Case Reports. 2014;2(4):2324709614556129.


Published case reports point to a possible link between quadrivalent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine and premature ovarian failure. Declining menstrual function in girls aged 14, 15, and 20 years followed quadrivalent HPV vaccination and preceded premature ovarian failure. However, long-term follow-up after HPV vaccination has not surveyed ovarian function, nor recorded, measured or analyzed symptoms or signs of dysfunction. Disparagement of adverse event reporting by licensing bodies, which instruct health providers that “there is no biologically plausible way in which HPV vaccine could cause infertility,” is not science-based and compromises safety monitoring by undermining “reporting efficiency,” safety signaling and informed consent. In the absence of sound research, public reassurance that “studies have not found ovarian failure to be associated with HPV vaccination” may be harmful to vaccine confidence.

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