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Frustrated with what he described as the deceptive and unethical practices of drug companies, Dr. Mark Brody shifted the focus of his career from psychiatry and western medicine to homeopathy.

Appearing on CHD.TV’s “Doctors and Scientists,” Brody told host Brian Hooker, Ph.D., he believed he had a moral responsibility to himself and his patients to pursue homeopathic medicine.

Addressing the inefficiencies and dangers of the one-size-fits-all “standardized treatment of care” that most patients receive today, Brody emphasized the importance of an intentional, individualized approach to treating patients.

He discussed what he believes are the deficiencies of modern-day medicine and reflected on the serious issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including the mismanagement of lockdowns, mitigation protocols and medical treatments that have placed the financial gain of vaccine makers and investors over public health.

“What about science?” Brody asked.

Watch the full episode on CHD.TV here: