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This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including the latest Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data showing nearly 35,000 reports of adverse events in those ages 5-17 following COVID vaccines.

They also discussed a video answering the “most important question” regarding children and the COVID vaccines; the case against children wearing masks at school; and a flawed study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that wrongly concluded that COVID vaccines are safe for pregnant women.

“This is a really sickening example of corrupt science,” said Mary. “This is shocking stuff.”

Also on tap this week: As the “Freedom Convoy” of truckers protesting Canada’s vaccine mandates rolled through southeast Alberta, Canadian government officials reiterated support for the policy that requires Canadian and U.S. truckers to show proof of vaccination in order to cross the border.

Here are more of this week’s highlights:

  • A Canadian premier, Scott Moe, said the proof-of-vaccine requirement makes no sense and he will end it in the “not-too-distant future” in his province of Saskatchewan .
  • Dozens of trucks and other vehicles blocked the downtown area of Ottawa after thousands descended on Canada’s capital city to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and COVID vaccine mandates.
  • The lead organizers of the historic Ottawa Truck Freedom Convoy 2022 held their first press conference and explained why most mainstream media organizations were excluded from it. “This is just about informed choice,” said Mary. “These are their rights.”
  • Norway will end its system of mandatory COVID quarantines for non-vaccinated travellers and close contacts of infected persons, replacing it instead with a daily test regime, the government announced. “It’s a step in the right direction,” said Mary.
  • An advisory panel recommended scrapping Israel’s Green Pass certificates, regulations on which are set to expire in eight days, saying the Omicron variant’s transmissibility and ability to infect vaccinated people made the pass largely irrelevant.
  • “Omicron is now circulating in Auckland,” the prime minister said, as New Zealand updated restrictions.
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave its full approval to Moderna’s COVID vaccine, branded Spikevax, for use in adults 18 and older, making it the second fully approved COVID vaccine. “We will follow this,” said Mary.

  • Moderna began a trial on an HIV vaccine that uses mRNA technology. “I find this really disturbing,” said Polly.
  • Just because the federal government isn’t directly developing a national vaccine database or vaccine passport system doesn’t mean such systems aren’t in the works — they are, and some of the Big Tech players involved have deep ties to multiple government agencies. “This is a fantastic article,” said Mary. “People need to start connecting the dots.”
  • In the second half of an interview on Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire” — “COVID-19: Following the Money” — policy analyst A.J. DePriest reported on the impact of billions in COVID stimulus funds, which, according to some doctors and lawyers, turned hospitals and medical staff into “bounty hunters,” and COVID patients into “virtual prisoners.” “This is very real,” said Mary.
  • President Biden’s massive increase in home-based rapid antigen tests will lead to a tsunami of false-positive results, which will indefinitely extend the current “casedemic.” “We take away those tests, we end the pandemic,” said Polly.
  • Mass amounts of COVID vaccine injuries in the military community are being covered up. “I found this shocking,” said Polly. “This is so important,” said Mary. “Very important data.”
  • Megyn Kelly to Whoopi Goldberg: “How Dare YOU?” The Truth About COVID Hysteria Harming Our Kids. “I highly recommend you watch this video,” said Polly.
  • The world’s first medical trial authorized to deliberately expose participants to the coronavirus is seeking more volunteers as it steps up efforts to help develop better vaccines. “They are knowingly putting people at risk of death,” said Mary.
  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke in front of more than 30,000 people at the “Defeat the Mandates” rally in Washington, DC, calling for an end to vaccine mandates, government overreach and censorship, and to fortify democracy against intrusive technologies. “It was amazing,” said Polly.
  • Follow us @ChildrensHD on all social media platforms!

Watch “This Week” with Mary + Polly: