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Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and its chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on Jan. 23 will join organizations and individuals from around the U.S. in Washington, DC, for a “Defeat the Mandates” protest against government mandates.

The march, which will celebrate the principles of freedom and liberty upon which our nation was founded, comes in response to nearly two years of increasing governmental overreach in the form of mandates at local, state and federal levels.

Participants will include people from all walks of life regardless of political affiliation, race, ideology or vaccination status.

Can’t make it to DC? No worries. Watch it on CHD.TV.

This event is organized by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, along with Children’s Health Defense, Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, Global Covid Summit, World Council for Health and JP Sears

According to “Defeat the Mandates” organizers, the goal of the march is to peacefully protest vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, COVID vaccines for children and censorship. 

Participants will march in support of informed consent, natural immunity and the doctor-patient relationship that should exist independent of government interference. 

Additionally, rally supporters will stress the need for greater government transparency regarding published peer-reviewed COVID research that continues to be suppressed.

Prominent anti-mandate, pro-science advocates will address the crowd. They include Kennedy, Del Bigtree, Lara Logan, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Angela Stanton King, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews and others. 

Comedian JP Sears will emcee the event. 

Music will also be a part of the event with performances by Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez the rapper, Five Times August and Matt Brevner. 

In addition to objecting to COVID vaccine mandates on democratic principle, many of the speakers are concerned about the safety of COVID vaccines.

The latest data from the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveal 1,033,994 reports of adverse events, including 21,745 deaths, following COVID vaccination.

“The rise of tyranny can be stopped only if Americans rise up against it while they still have enough freedom left to do so,” said Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel. 

“We encourage all who can be in DC on Jan. 23 to stand in peace and unity with us,” Holland added. “Once governments take away the rights of individuals, they are nearly impossible to regain.”

Thousands have already registered for the event. Buses are available from a number of stops in New York, New Jersey and North Carolina for same-day, roundtrip transportation to Washington, DC. Register here. Check back often as more buses will be added from Pennsylvania and other states.

Attendees will meet at the Washington Monument at 10:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m., participants will march peacefully from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, approximately 1 mile, where the program will start around 12:30 p.m. 

For more information on registration and hotel availability, visit Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming. CHD will livestream the event on CHD.TV.