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Laura Chollick went to Heaven on Wednesday at 3:03 a.m. after a short and intense battle with pancreatic cancer. As the news reached the community, there was an outpouring of love for Laura from around the world on her social media pages. Laura was a generous and kind person and reading these heartfelt messages reconfirms exactly why she was so loved. 

Time is a valuable commodity these days and Laura made time for everyone. Her passion was saving children from vaccine injury having witnessed first-hand the true horror and toll it takes on children like her beautiful son, Will. She joined every autism and health freedom organization fighting the frontline battles against propaganda that vaccines are “safe and effective” and censorship of vaccine injury.

She greatly admired Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for his fearless crusade to protect our precious children. Eight years ago, she became a board member for The Autism Trust USA and threw her heart and soul into building a center where vaccine-injured children can live lives with purpose and dignity.

I saw Laura a week ago in hospice and she whispered her last wishes to me with a sense of urgency: 

  • We must all keep fighting to save children from harm at the hands of industry and government. 
  • We must continue to build purposeful futures for those already injured. 
  • We must never give up on exposing the truth about what continues to claim the health of children around the world.

While there really aren’t adequate words to describe the despair so many of us feel at losing our irreplaceable Laura, we know that she is decidedly a gain for Heaven. 

As I watch the messages and testimonies pour in for Laura, her husband Rich and their son Will, I can promise our dearest friend Laura that we will never give up.

We’ve lost a fearless member of our community and our family, one who will never be forgotten for her compassion for others and her devotion to the medical freedom movement.  

You will be missed, Laura.