January 05, 2023

Fired Workers and Advocates to Rally to Educate Legislators in Albany NY

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Press Release

For Immediate Release

Albany, NY — On Jan. 10, New Yorkers will return to the state Capitol in Albany to proactively protest over a dozen failed 2022 bills that will likely be back on the table in the new legislative session. Speakers at the rally will include Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President Mary Holland, Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Alexander, leader of The People’s Convoy Brian Brase, fired NYC teacher Moe Oliver and many more.

Some of the potential bills that could return for a vote in the upcoming session include legislation that forces children to receive COVID-19 shots in order to attend school, allows minors to consent to medical procedures without parental knowledge or consent, and removes religious vaccine exemptions for all workers and college students.

“Last year, thousands showed up at the Capitol to confront bills seeking to codify mandates, and not one of those bills became law,” said Michael Kane, grassroots organizer for CHD, who is co-sponsoring the return to Albany. “This year, we are coming back to educate our lawmakers, especially those newly elected.”

On January 4, 2022, protesters gathered at the Capitol to voice their opposition to the proposed mandates. At that time, access to the Capitol and Legislative Office Building (LOB) was restricted to individuals who could provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within the previous 48 hours, which forced attendees to rally outside with no access to legislators. These buildings are now open to the public.

“Having access to the Capitol this time around lifts a barrier that will allow protesters to meet with their elected officials to discuss these important issues,” said Kane.

Co-sponsors of the rally include:

  • Children’s Health Defense–NY Chapter
  • Teachers for Choice
  • Moms for Liberty
  • Autism Action Network
  • Educators for Freedom
  • Bravest for Choice
  • NY Freedom Rally
  • NY Parents for Choice
  • Latinos for Choice
  • Cafecito Break
  • NY Health Voters
  • People’s Pharma Movement
  • Rockland & Bergen Health Freedom Alliance
  • My Kids, My Choice
  • NY Informed
  • Do We Need This?
  • New Yorkers Against Medical Mandates (NYAMM)

You can find more information and updates about this event at CHD-New York and Teachers for Choice.

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Children’s Health Defense® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable and establish safeguards to prevent future harm. We fight corruption, mass surveillance and censorship that put profits before people as well as advocate for worldwide rights to health freedom and bodily autonomy. For more information or to donate to CHD, visit

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