Childrens Health Defense

The CDC uses the words "transient" and "waning" to describe the mRNA COVID-19 shots.

"The idea of 'transient' and 'waning' is not part of my public health lexicon," expressed epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch.

"Whether or not they [COVID shots] prevent severity of illness is not a state interest," he attested.

"What's a state interest is preventing unwilling people from getting infected by their neighbors ... The CDC says that the vaccines don't do that. And to me, that is the end of the story. That is the statement that the vaccines should and cannot be mandated for prevention of infection. And the state no longer has an interest in that fact."

Hear from doctors Harvey Risch, Robert Malone, Meryl Nass, and more at the International COVID Summit:

"The goal, ultimately, is to transform our free and democratic societies into totalitarian societies. Their goal is to strip each and every one of us of our fundamental rights of freedom, democracy, the rule of law. They want to get rid of all of this," concluded @AndersonAfDMdEP.

"This whole COVID thing had never anything to do with public health. It never had anything to do with breaking waves. It always had to do with breaking people in order to make us a part of a mindless, malleable mass."

Hear from MEP Christine Anderson, Ryan Cole (MD), Robert Malone (MD), and other prominent voices at the International COVID Summit:

Parents of children at Rock Academy in San Diego took a stand for their kids' health and successfully pressured T-mobile to turn off its 5G antennas — six of which were right next to a 6th-grade classroom.

The antennas were not approved through proper protocols before construction and were surreptitiously concealed under a tarp while being built.

"These things are popping up everywhere," attested father Joey Guilmet. One school was exposed, but how many more are doing the same thing? Are 5G antennas concealed at your kids' schools?

Get all the details directly from the parents on #CHDTV:

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Mass Vaccination Was a Scientific 'Insult' to the World

"I think this word vaccines will be banned from the medical vade mecum (handbook) when the truth finally surfaces," professed virologist Dr. Vanden Bossche.

"It [COVID] would have been over if we had not intervened with these mass vaccination campaigns," he declared.

"Any intervention in your immune system where you don't understand what you're doing; this can only be qualified as stupidity."

Watch the full interview on #CHDTV:

"It [VAERS] is a horrible system, lamented orthopedic surgeon Dr. Joel Wallskog. "But who created it? The FDA and the CDC," he answered.

There are three things Dr. Wallskog, who was himself injured by the Moderna vaccine, suggests for fixing the VAERS system:

1. Communicate that reporting is mandatory.
2. Provide a penalty if practitioners don't report.
3. Have follow-up: no more "unconfirmed" reports.

"If you don't do those things, you don't want to know [about side effects]. And that's what I'd say to Peter Marks [of the FDA]."

Watch the full roundtable discussion on #CHDTV:

"There are situations that we have seen [during the COVID crisis] that I believe deserve prosecution for murder," expressed Attorney Warner Mendenhall.

"We have to have very good evidence before a prosecutor will step up. But there are cases where we now believe there are healthcare personnel who murdered their patients."

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV:

Report Dismissed: Investigator Peter Gallo Details the UN's Dark Secret

"The organization [United Nations] is quite happy to suppress them [sexual abuse reports] or to deny or try and manipulate the figures to downplay the scale of the problem," conveyed former UN investigator Peter Gallo.

"Of those 528 [sexual abuse] cases I mentioned earlier, 203 over the last five years have been for either rape or sexual assault." he denoted.

"How many of those 203 have actually been referred to the national authorities for criminal prosecution?" Mr. Gallo asked. "And the answer was a total of 52, which basically means that even if a UN official is investigated for a criminal offense, a sexual offense, he's only got a one-in-four chance of it ever being referred to the national authorities for criminal investigation anyway."

Watch the full segment hosted by @shabnampalesamo on #CHDTV

"We went from having 6% of our children having chronic disease in the 40s, 50s, and 60s" to 54% in 2006, lamented Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

"And I can tell you this — that every one of those [chronic] diseases is listed as a vaccine side effect the manufacturer's inserts of at least one of those 72 doses of vaccines," he denoted.

"So, you have this coincidence where all of these diseases that suddenly became epidemic in 1989 are all listed on a product that suddenly became ubiquitous in 1989."

Watch Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s full speech on #CHDTV:

"Every day, you have the opportunity to hold the lawmakers accountable," attested attorney Bobbie Anne Cox. "You just need to speak up."

Here are a number of things you can do:

• Send an email
• Send a handwritten letter
• Make a phone call
• Help get people who appreciate the Constitution into power
• Get involved with an organization
• Donate to your favorite organization

"We can't just sit by the sidelines anymore and have popcorn and enjoy the show. Everybody needs to get involved."

Watch the full Episode on #CHDTV:

Get involved and help fund the fight. Consider donating to Children's Health Defense. Donations (including your membership fee) are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

"Back in the 1970s, the WHO conducted research and found that radiofrequency / microwave exposure increased the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, which are the top killers of today's human society." denoted Dr. Pri Badnara.
"But they did not really reveal this microwave exposure factor, which is clearly disingenuous."

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV:

"If you look at the overall numbers in his [Dr. Schultz's] study, it's shocking," expressed William Parker, Ph.D.

"If you give your child acetaminophen between the age of 12 and 18 months, you're 20 times more likely to have ... a child with autism than if you don't give them any acetaminophen from 12 to 18 months."

Watch the Full Episode on #CHDTV:

Autism costs are on pace to reach $1 trillion a year by the mid-2030s, showed Toby Rogers, PhD, in a recent study.

"So just to put this in perspective," he added, "U.S. Defense Department's spending is about $800 billion [a year]. So by all estimates, autism costs in the U.S. will soon exceed U.S. Defense Department costs."

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV:

"What he [Jamie Dimon] is saying is that the insiders should be free, not just through government, but through their businesses and not-for-profits, to be able to seize and confiscate your property," denoted financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts.

"And I assure you, when they come to do that, it will not be at market price."

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV:

"Since the rollout of the vaccines, we have seen cardiac issues in any group of employees where these vaccines were mandated," reported Dr. William Makis

"It is my belief that myocarditis is far more common than health authorities have admitted to," he stated. "Health authorities told us it's one in 5,000 or one in 10,000 when there's a couple of studies that suggest it could be as high as one in 30."

Watch the full episode with Dr. William Makis on #CHDTV:

Free speech in America has been systematically suppressed.
Your right to medical freedom — and democracy itself — hinges on your right to free speech.

Please help us protect these rights. Donate today to join our $2M match


🚨 ATTN CA: AB-659 seeks to mandate HPV vaccine for college students w/ essentially no exemptions‼️

It will ALSO notify all 6th graders that the HPV vaccine is now "expected" for them to advance to 8th grade. This will lead to confusion: IT IS NOT MANDATORY


“The more shots you get, the greater your risk of COVID. We know the risk of a healthy child actually dying from COVID is zero to nonexistent. These people are lying and should be held accountable.” — Dr. Paul Marik

Watch the full exclusive with Dr. Marik on #CHDTV:


Congratulations to our new Ireland Chapter on their recent launch! Watch as RFK Jr. shares why this launch is so meaningful to him.


Doctors Rose and Clancy sit down for a chat about immunology and its relationship to vaccination, COVID infection, allergies and more. Listen in to this episode on ‘Good Morning CHD’!

Watch live on CHD.TV:

Saturday, March 4 — 9am PT | 12pm ET

Hosted by Meryl Nass, M.D. Presented by Children's Health Defense TV

Opening Remarks

Session 1 Attacks on Food & Agriculture — Alexis Baden-Mayer | Benjamin Dobson | André Leu | Abby Rockefeller | Patrick Wood | James Corbett | Joe Mercola | Stephanie Seneff

Session 2 Solutions for Farmers — | Ronnie Cummins | André Leu | Mark Fulford | Bonnie Mallard

Session 3 Solutions for Individuals — | John Day | Beverly Johannson | Sara Woods Kender | Zen Honeycutt

Session 4 Societal Solutions — | Alexis Baden-Mayer | Heather Retberg | Ben Banks-Dobson

“I wish it was staged.” — Angelia Desselle speaks out against #ThanksPfizer internet trend attacking the vaccine injured

The internet trend is an exemplary instance which magnifies + displays the mass public gaslighting of vaccine injury occurring worldwide.

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV

Watch the FULL episode with Attorney Carolyn Betts, gen. counsel of The Solari Report on #CHDTV

‘Same playbook, different industry.’ — Attorney, Scott McCollough

#Wireless networks are a "gateway for a Chinese-style social credit system" intentionally built for #surveillance and population control. #5G

Learn More 👇👇👇

The Holocaust didn't start with gas chambers, it started with fomenting fear + dividing people with "us vs. them". Sound familiar?

Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor, directs this gripping 5-part docuseries

MONDAY: Global Premiere 1/30-2/3 @ 7pm ET

Alarming health, safety + environmental concerns are associated with cell towers + radio-frequency exposure.

Now is the time to get educated on #EMFs before they put a cell tower near your home or school!



Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

227 videos

Category Health & Medical

End childhood health epidemics by exposing causes, eliminating harmful exposures; seeking justice + establishing safeguards. New to Children's Health Defense? Start here: