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This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president on leave, and Polly Tommey, CHD.TV programming manager, covered the latest headlines on COVID-19, Big Pharma and other issues, including news that we’re facing the largest continuous decline in childhood vaccinations in 30 years, according to a new report released by UNICEF.

Polly and Mary also discussed that the World Health Organization (WHO) is working with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other not-for-profit organizations and agencies to reverse this pandemic-driven decline in routine childhood vaccinations.

Plus, in 2021 pharmaceutical giant Pfizer gave millions in grants to medical associations, consumer groups and civil rights organizations for the purpose of creating the appearance of widespread support for COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Also on tap this week: The Tennessee Legislature passed a law that prevents healthcare providers in the state from vaccinating minors without parental consent.

More of this week’s highlights:

  • Thousands of people say they developed tinnitus after they were vaccinated against COVID-19. “Tinnitus is really problematic,” said Mary.
  • President Joe Biden last month signed H.J.Res. 7, a bill that immediately rescinded the COVID-19 national emergency declared in March 2020. “The point of the article is that really things haven’t changed that much,” said Mary.
  • In an 18-minute speech delivered during a parliamentary debate, U.K. Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen called for a public vote on the WHO’s proposed new pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations, which he called “a huge grab of power.”
  • The “One Health” concept has been gaining traction among public health policymakers in recent years — but questions remain about what One Health really means, who’s behind the concept and whether what started out as a sound idea has since been hijacked by individuals or groups that see it as a means to expand their power. “There is a lot of overlap between those who are promoting this and the origin of COVID-19,” said Mary. “Be careful.”
  • Dr. Anthony Fauci used Twitter to disseminate the government’s official COVID-19 and vaccine narratives, despite testifying under oath that he had never used the social media platform. “He has lied on multiple occasions,” said Polly.
  • The oversight board for Facebook’s parent company, Meta, recommended the social media giant “maintain its current policy” of removing COVID-19 “misinformation” from its platform until the WHO declares an end to the global pandemic. “This is disappointing,” said Mary.
  • In an interview with The Defender, Lynn Comerford, Ph.D., director of women’s studies at California State University, East Bay, detailed how — and why — she fought back against criticism for requiring her students to read “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD chairman on leave.
  • Concerned Alumni of Dartmouth College and a team of experts, including Kennedy, had a robust, nuanced, data-based discussion of COVID-19 policies with a focus on college vaccination mandates. “This is a fascinating article,” said Mary.
  • Fox News host Tucker Carlson gave his take on Kennedy being censored for his views on COVID-19 and the Ukraine war on “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” Carlson was fired 5 days after this broadcast. “People are catching on to what is going on,” said Mary.
  • Researchers trained dogs to sniff-test masked and socially distanced children in a lineup to identify whether they had COVID-19, according to a paper published in JAMA Pediatrics. “This is the most shocking article of the week,” said Mary.
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau generated controversy for recently claiming that he never forced anyone in his country to get vaccines throughout the course of the pandemic. “This is outrageous,” said Polly.
  • At least 500 Australians joined a “landmark” COVID-19 vaccine injury class action lawsuit filed last week against the Australian government and the medicines regulator seeking redress for those allegedly injured or left bereaved by the COVID-19 vaccines. “This is a case based in negligence,” said Mary. “One to watch.”
  • David Kirby, who died April 16, embodied the spirit and drive of the ’70s journalist. The author of many books, including “Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines, and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy,” he was beloved by many in the medical freedom and animal rights movements. “A great loss to our community,” said Polly.
  • A lawsuit filed in federal court alleges Merck’s Gardasil human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine caused a young Utah woman to develop cervical cancer and other injuries. “She is not the first to report of cervical cancer following the vaccine,” said Polly.
  • In its latest effort to keep a cellphone radiation case from heading to the U.S. Supreme Court, Apple tried to poke holes in arguments submitted to the Supreme Court by CHD for why unelected federal bureaucrats cannot override state health and safety law. “We are in a position of strength,” said Mary.
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