April 26, 2023

We Are Going Back To Albany May 16 !

We are heading back to Albany on May 16

The Session in Albany ends in June and, so far, none of the bills that threaten medical freedom have moved an inch. That’s because of your efforts fighting against medical tyranny!

But there is still time for lawmakers to pass threatening bills if we don’t act now!

MAY 16 we go back to Albany to rally and meet with our lawmakers. That should allow us to end this legislative session without any terrible bills becoming law.

We are proud to announce that we have attorney Bobbie Anne Cox along with the lawmakers she represents in court who are suing Gov. Kathy Hochul over her “Quarantine Camp” Regulation speaking at our rally! This includes Senator George Borrello and Assemblyman Chris Tague.

(NEW SPEAKER CONFIRMED! – Asm. David DiPietro, who has a bill to reinstate the religious exemption to vaccination for kids to attend school.)

More speakers to be announced soon.

Join us and schedule a meeting with your NY State Senator and Assemblymember for May 16 while we are all there.

Find your Senator here –

Find your Assembly member here –

Here is a letter you can send to your lawmakers – over 1,000 medical professionals have signed it. A pdf copy is available to download and send at the following link –