A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Chairman of the Board

[Note: As of 4/2/23, Mr. Kennedy is on leave as CHD’S Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel.]

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.

Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestsellers, The Real Anthony Fauci and  Crimes Against Nature. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s Heroes for the Planet for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie Dark Waters (2019).


Ursula Conway

Arizona Chapter President

Ursula Conway sitting outside with a blue scarfUrsula Conway serves as President for the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense.

Ms. Conway grew up in Michigan and chose the University of Arizona to complete her business degree. Her Information Technology career was heavily focused in the Gaming & Hospitality industry, based in Las Vegas, as well as general management consulting services. She retired from her full-time career as Chief Information Officer of a major gaming company and currently provides consulting services on a limited basis.

Throughout her life, Ursula was shaped by personal medical experiences which led her to a commonsense “trust but verify” approach to wellness. Her focus included a commitment to high quality fresh foods, organic when possible, and an open mind toward non-traditional medical approaches.

Suspicious of increasing pressure to vaccinate, Ms. Conway delved into the facts surrounding vaccine policy in the United States. Her skepticism mounted when a colleague was faced with the tragedy of a severely vaccine-damaged nephew. This highlighted the recklessness of the federal government’s immunity grant to the pharmaceutical industry.

While monitoring treatment developments, Ursula also became increasingly aware of the persecution of medical and dental professionals who dared to voice opinions contrary to “official” narratives. As a result, she became committed to medical freedom – the right of American citizens to make their own medical (and dental) decisions.

Ursula lives in southern Arizona and along with her dog, Loretta, is an IPWDA certified member of the Pima County canine search & rescue team, Southwest Rescue Dogs, Inc.


Valeri Marsh

Board Member

Photo of woman with long blonde hairValeri Marsh is Executive Director of our sister organization, Arizonans for Safe Technology. Having been seriously ill since childhood, as a young  adult she cured herself of severe asthma through natural healing modalities such as juice fasting and cleansing. This sparked an interest in health and nutrition that has spanned 40 years.

In 2018, when the long-awaited results were published from the biggest study ever conducted to determine whether cell phone radiation was safe or not, she was relieved to hear that these results PROVED it caused 9 types of cancer, cardiomyopathy, and DNA damage. She was relieved because she assumed the US would halt the impending 5G rollout. When, to her surprise, the rollout continued full steam ahead, she started investigating other problems with this increase in manmade EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) that was to blanket the planet.

Val has spent over 2500 hours researching the health effects of wireless radiation, the dangers of the 4G/5G rollout as it pertains to Arizona, the interplay between radiation and children’s health, and solutions people can implement to protect children, families and neighborhoods. Her lifetime goal is to increase public awareness to the point where people will demand safer use of technology and nationwide access to fiber optics–a superior form of communications that is faster, safer and more secure than wireless.

Valeri spends much of her free time up in the mountains, where she can enjoy nature and animals and allow her body to take a break from the 3 commercial cell towers that blanket  her own home in The Valley. She’s also a seasoned Spanish teacher, however this career has been on hold while she’s been working on the EMF issue, and she looks forward to the day she can resume it.


Kristen Graham

Board Member

Dr. Kristen Graham is a Director of the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense. She moved to Arizona three years ago and is currently practicing biological dentistry at Natural Dental Partners in Phoenix. Kristen’s specialty is children’s airway dentistry.

In addition to being vaccine injured, Kristen became electrical hypersensitive (EHS) last year after becoming very ill with non-native EMF fields that are everywhere in the Valley of Phoenix. This has fueled her passion for educating people about many health topics, including EMF exposure, toxins, diet, and lifestyle.

Kristen loves to be off grid in the woods with her Rhodesian Ridgeback, and is passionate about food, freedom, and Jesus.


Kim Bare


Kim Bare serves as the secretary for the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense. She grew up in southeastern Idaho on a farm and ranch, and her latest move to Arizona was in 2018.  Kim spent many years working in the Information Technology industry as an Information/Knowledge Architect.  She now owns and operates her own business developing and managing websites.

Kim’s very wise grandmother and parents passed down their healthy eating habits and questioned the need for most medication. This knowledge, combined with her personal medical experiences, caused her to question conventional medical/healthcare solutions that are ineffective and illogical.  Kim is also an animal lover and she has had several Great Danes and other dogs, as well as many cats who became afflicted by, and/or died from, “unusual” or “rare” diseases.  The quest for better and more effective animal and people health solutions led Kim to years of research in human and animal medical industries.

Having worked in IT at multiple medical facilities/hospitals, Kim was trained at several of these facilities in what used to be called “germ warfare.”  This training included very emphatic instructions that “anything that allows air in for a person to breathe will NOT stop viruses,” especially masks used by hospital personnel.  When COVID hit Kim was immediately suspicious of the advice being given on TV and in other mainstream media given her years of medical research, her work with massive amounts of medical data, and knowledge that masks do not stop viruses.

In early 2020 Kim began researching studies on masks, vaccinations, corona viruses, etc. and was horrified to find that (a) the summary of the studies often did not match the data found in the studies, and (b) studies she looked at one day were often gone the next.  During this research Kim ran across the Children’s Health Defense website and she volunteered to help with the Arizona chapter.  She is dedicated to medical freedom, abolishing censorship, and stopping the persecution of medical, dental, and other healthcare professionals who dare to voice their knowledge and opinions that are contrary to “official” narratives/propaganda.

Kim lives in San Tan Valley with her dog Luke, a Great Dane / Lab mix, and her very curious, energetic, and “helpful” Bengal cat named Clawhauser.  Together this trio is striving to learn and help others learn about safe and effective health and medical care and species appropriate food for both animals and humans. (FYI – Clawhauser says bugs are OK for cats to eat once in a while, but they are not an appropriate source of protein on a regular basis for humans.)