A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Chairman on Leave
December 11, 2022

CHDAZ Demands ASU Remove “False and Misleading Covid-19 Messaging” from Its Website!

Environmental health group threatens legal action if university fails to correct “alarmist propaganda” on threat COVID-19 poses to college students, calls ASU’s misrepresentations about alleged safety of COVID-19 vaccines “dangerous.”


Throughout the last few years, Arizonans have been confronted by an onslaught of propaganda from all sides. As the real data is revealed, we understand the extent of the misrepresentations made. And we can also point to the unacceptable level of risk to our college age children. The Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense took action on 10 December 2022 and addressed the complaint to ASU’s President, Michael Crow, EOSS Medical Director Mario Islas, and EOSS Associate Vice President Aaron Krasnow.

Read the full Press Release and the Demand Letter itself to fully comprehend the extent of the misrepresentations.

How can you help? Share this post and the documents on all your channels and discuss with your family and friends. We are the media!