A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Take Action

Take action by partnering with Children’s Health Defense – Arizona Chapter to preserve the rights of Arizonans and to help protect our planet.  We need your help, and there are multiple ways in which you can support our causes.

Calls to Action are urgent requests where we ask Defenders to demand action from our legislators on important issues. You simply enter your address and the system identifies your legislators and sends the message for you. And while the message is already drafted, you have the option to tailor it to suit your taste and style.

Advocate Now are opportunities for Arizonans to support our causes through engagement in the community.

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Become a Member for life with a one time donation of only $10.  You will also get access to members-only content on the national page.  CHD-AZ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Volunteer your time and effort to help Children’s Health Defense – Arizona Chapter take action in our state.

Where would you like to start?

Take Action Links

Calls to Action

Advocate Now


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