A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Chairman on Leave
April 13, 2023

CA AB 665 Removes Parental Consent – PASSED

CA Assembly Bill 665 Removes Parental Consent for Mental Health Treatment – PASSED

UPDATE: On Monday, 4/10/23, AB 665 was passed. Of the 80 Member Assembly, 55 voted yes, 9 voted no, and the rest abstained. This dangerous bill eliminates parental consent for mental health counseling, treatment and medication a child aged 12 and up may receive. To stop bills like these from passing, we must get to know our assembly members, educate them on the issues, and hold them accountable for their votes. 

Original Content

CA AB 665, introduced 2/13/23, permits minors 12 years and up to consent to “mental health counseling,” “mental health treatment,” and to medications free of parental consent. Additionally, this bill appears to be a variation of Scott Weiner’s SB 866 from 2022, which would allow children as young as age 12 to take the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent. Scott Weiner said, “I introduced new legislation (#SB866) to lower the vaccine age of consent from 18 to 12…”

Sen. Wiener posted on his Twitter page:

“Unvaccinated teens are at risk, put others at risk & make schools less safe. They often can’t work, participate in sports, or go to friends’ homes. Let’s let teens protect their health.”

Weiner did not link evidence to prove his statement.

SB 866 passed the Senate but didn’t garner sufficient votes to pass the Assembly, so he pulled it and has yet to return. Although, AB 665 has similarities to SB 866, and it is a bill that must be monitored.

*Remain vigilant and mindful of AB 665. Actions items pending further changes and updates.