A Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Chairman on Leave
April 11, 2023

HPV AB 659 ‘Cancer Prevention Act’ – College Mandate DROPPED

UPDATE: California’s HPV Bill AB 659 has been amended. The HPV mandate for colleges in California has been dropped. Huge win!

Please call Assembly Member Cecilia Aguilar Curry’s office to thank her for dropping HPV college mandate. Include the request to change the bill verbiage ‘expected’ to ‘recommend’ for clarity (916) 319-2004.

Original Content

California’s HPV Bill AB 659, continues to be an important subject in California. It was a great win for AB659 to be amended, in which the grades 8-12 HPV vaccine mandate was removed. But not without a catch; Human Papillomavirus is now listed as one of the diseases for which immunization documentation is required for California college students, ages 18-26, enrolled in Community College, UC and Cal State Universities. To opt out, the only option will be a medical exemption.

UPDATE: HPV Mandate Dropped for Grades 8-12 While the College Mandate Remains — This Fight Isn’t Over!

There are 16 Lawsuits against HPV vaccine manufacturer Gardasil. The dangers of the HPV vaccine are well documented and it is essential we resist this mandate.


Follow this link to learn more about the dangers of the HPV vaccine, to educate the committee members about AB 659, and the impact it would have on the children of California. Act now!