
For every life covered with Cass, we provide 10 more people in need with mental health support. 

So far with your help we have provided 234,000 hours of coaching to 130,000 people around the world. 

A few facts about Cass


of Cass users moved towards recovery


satisfaction score, based on 30k individual surveys asking "did that help?"


crisis situations de-escalated via automated connection to a human coach


of users are still chatting with Cass, after half a year

Cass’s impact is backed by clinical research and top universities.

Palo Alto University

Study validates Tess can reliably use the PHQ-9 to allow the assessment of depressive symptoms remotely, at a large scale and low cost.
Published in Frontiers Journal 2021.
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Universidad Adventista del Plata

Randomized Controlled Trial validates efficacy and generalizability for Tess to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety in university students.
Under review for publication; 2019
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Northwestern University Randomized Controlled Trial

Finds Tess to significantly reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Fulmer et al. (2018) JMIR Mental Health
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Duke University

Expanding Access to Depression Treatment in Kenya Through Automated Psychological Support
Published in JMIR Research Protocols April 2019
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Duke University

Feasibility study setup IRB RCT for Tess to support mothers in Kenya.
Published in JMIR Mental Health; 2019
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Stanford / Washington University School of Medicine

Randomized Controlled Trial highlights effectiveness of Tess for eating disorders prevention.
Published in International Journal of Eating Disorders; 2022
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Employee Assistance Program Association

Case studies reveal Tess’ contribution to ROI while delivering emotional support to employees.
Published in Journal of Employee Assistance; 2018
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CABHI and Saint Elizabeth Healthcare

Study explores how Tess delivers comprehensive support across employees and patients.
Published on PubMed (2018)
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Nemours Children’s Hospital

Feasibility study validates Tess as an adjunct to pre-diabetes and obesity program.
Published in Translational Behavioral Medicine; 2018
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Saint Elizabeth Healthcare

Study validates Tess as a support caregivers and nurses.
Published in Nursing Leadership; 2017
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X2 Commitment to Ethical AI technical paper
Published on PubMed (2020)
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Cass covers 30+ million people globally and has been clinically proven to improve well being within two weeks.

Below learn more on how Cass has made an impact. 

If you are interested in learning more about research opportunities and/or using Cass to scale your research effort, please contact us below.