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Washington Examiner
Political news and commentary from the Washington Examiner. washingtonexaminer.com #RestoringAmerica
Media & NewsWashington, DCwashingtonexaminer.comJoined January 2009

Washington Examiner’s Tweets

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. received a chilly welcome from the Faith and Freedom Coalition audience after he blasted Donald Trump, saying Trump "let us down" and did not hold himself accountable for any of his mistakes. His remarks caused some in the audience to boo.
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This Women's Sports Week, former NCAA swimmers & are sounding the alarm on threats to women's sports and women as a whole. "If these threats to women do persist, the integrity of women's sports is lost," the two wrote.
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Rev. John K. Amanchukwu Sr, a black reverend, made a plea to the black community to leave the Democrats during 's Conference. "America needs to wise up and open our eyes and see that we are being used as expendable to those on the left..."
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"The rules were written by the British and the Americans in the first half of the 20th century. The international order now looks different. It cannot be stabilized by nods and winks, only by legitimate agreements." -
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"Social contagion is real and documented. Since that's the case, it is best to select competent, even-tempered leaders for whom duplicity isn't a main feature of their character. Those brief qualifications rule Trump out entirely." -
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"The Biden White House refuses ever to acknowledge a single circumstance in which they believe an unborn child deserves the protection of the law. Most importantly, the administration has weaponized the DOJ in order to persecute pro-lifers." -
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. & leaders lied about braces used on AR-15-style “pistols” before Thursday’s vote to support a controversial administration ban on the device designed to help handicapped people shoot, according to Second Amendment advocates.
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. criticized the federal government’s search effort for the missing Titan submersible after news broke that it imploded. He called the Coast Guard and Navy’s delayed response to the underwater emergency an “epic failure in leadership.”
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. avoided mentioning his chief 2024 rival, Donald Trump, at a conservative conference in DC. Instead, he focused his speech on a topic that has fueled his political rise: cultural wars, most notably parental rights over gender and sexuality.
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"Union leaders and education bureaucrats will likely escape accountability for the devastating learning loss caused by their malfeasance, but there are actions parents can take to protect and educate their children." -Ginny Gentles
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During a press conference, declined to answer questions from six different reporters about a text message Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese business associate in which he appears to leverage the influence of his father, President .