
Some within the conservative media sphere celebrate the spectacular self-immolation of the legacy news media. I am not one of them, but I get it: It’s a natural reflex to cheer on the demise of an institution that hates you, thinks you’re an idiot, and works around the clock to manipulate you and your family on behalf of the corporate//Big Tech/Hollywood cultural monolith, all while feigning concern for “the truth.” The people produced by such an industry are truly loathsome in their roles. Who, for example, could help but cheer when CNN canned the monolith’s chief propagandist Brian Stelter? Our innate hunger for justice rejoices at such moments.
This week, Fairfax County School Board members voted to restrict students’ and teachers’ free speech with a new bias incident reporting system in changes to the district’s code of conduct. Despite multiple legal challenges across the nation to this Orwellian tattle system, including one in the neighboring Loudoun County Public Schools, school board members overwhelmingly voted in favor of it. Here again, they demonstrate little regard for the Constitution or the district’s mounting legal fees, which totaled about $17 million from 2020 to 2022.
This Wednesday marks the anniversary of the Stonewall riots. Back in 1969, we weren’t hung up on as many labels as we are today. It wasn’t until the '90s and early 2000s that the term "nonbinary" was first used. The New Romantics of the '80s would laugh at our need for constantly assigning language to our identities.
The southern border has immense ecological and environmental treasures. That’s why, over the last century, Republican officials prioritized protecting the border’s exceptional resources and ensuring proper management of the region’s protected species. President Theodore Roosevelt, for example, used his executive authority to reserve land and establish federally controlled sanctuaries. President Gerald Ford remodeled various reserves into National Parks under the international Man and Biosphere program.
Federal Trade Commission Chairwoman Lina Khan has a "shoot first, ask questions later" approach to merger policy. Khan asserts her war against mergers is for the common good as opposed to the pursuit of her own political agenda.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, has examined the money trail between Chinese-controlled companies and the Biden family. He literally wrote the book on these dealings. In a weekend interview with Fox News, Schweizer provided several breathtaking new details and added some context to IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr.’s explosive testimony released last Thursday by the House Ways and Means Committee.
As the military executes its strategy of “divest-to-invest,” it’s shedding equipment and procuring less to bring “leap-ahead” technologies online. While this may seem like a good strategy on paper (who doesn’t want the most advanced weapons systems?), the costs of pursuing brand-new, leap-ahead weapons instead of improving and buying what we have today have historically outweighed their benefits, at least for the past 40-plus years. Betting on new, built-from-scratch weapons and shedding current platforms before the new weapons have been built has put the United States in a dangerous position, potentially without what it needs to fight and sustain a major conflict. That’s the equivalent of burning the bridge behind you as an army attacks from straight ahead.
The Biden administration’s release Friday of a declassified nine-page intelligence report does not address COVID-19’s origins as either a Chinese lab leak or a natural occurrence. It does repeat previous reports showing divisions within the intelligence community on the key issue of COVID-19’s origins.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on June 6 informed us that former Ambassador Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley, his department’s first-ever chief diversity and inclusion officer, was leaving the post. Blinken credited her with “a series of other concrete, systemic accomplishments in [diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility].”
From American-funded drag shows in Ecuador, LGBT and Black Lives Matters flags flown at U.S. consulates and embassies, to the State Department’s recent request for $76 million to advance its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives abroad, the Biden administration has been clear: It wants to impose the Left’s "woke" agenda on world politics.
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