The lives saved from abortion should be celebrated
The lives saved from abortion should be celebrated

A recent study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that Texas ’s heartbeat bill, which became law in 2021, has saved approximately 10,000 lives from abortion in the state.    

Senate Bill 8 protects unborn children after 6 weeks gestation, once their beating hearts can be detected. At the time of S.B. 8’s passing two years ago, it was the most protective law in the nation.   


When first reading the study, I was elated to see that 10,000 new individuals, each possessing their own unique story and potential, were saved because of the strong and successful pro-life protections in Texas. Ten thousand new wonderfully curious personalities were born. And 10,000 new souls emerged to strengthen and enrich our country.

Yet, while my fellow pro-life Americans and I celebrated the news of new life, the pro-abortion far Left had a very different response, revealing a stark contrast in how we view humanity. A Houston, Texas abortionist for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, for example, brazenly attacked pro-life Americans, labeling them as not only hypocritical for their positive reaction, but “unethical” and “immoral” to allow innocent children to be born after their heartbeat can be detected.    

The study’s co-author, Alison Gemmill, was quoted on ABC News expressing a concerning perspective, suggesting that individuals denied abortions “face a host of negative consequences” and implying that children who escaped abortion are among those negative outcomes or at least not worthy of celebrating.  

This distorted view of the value and inherent dignity in every human life was further perpetuated by outlets such as New York Magazine’s “ The Cut, ” which dismissively labeled the births as “extra” and said that women will have “long-lasting negative consequences” as a result.   

Imagine telling any individual that their very presence in the world has caused or is itself a negative consequence, or that their very existence is “extra” and that they should have been considered expendable. To suggest that the lives saved from abortion in Texas are anything less than miraculous is to deny the irreplaceable contributions these tiny humans will someday make to our world.

Karen Keiser, a Washington State senator, took to Twitter to note that there is “nothing sadder than unwanted babies who become unloved, neglected, or abused children.” It may come as news to Keiser, but ending these children’s lives through abortion is much sadder than them being considered “unwanted” by some. The truth is that these 10,000 beautiful lives, along with their mothers, are precious and a gift of invaluable worth.

This is why 3,000 pro-life pregnancy care centers and maternity homes in Texas and across the country work tirelessly to ensure that these babies and their mothers are loved and supported. Every day these centers provide free medical care, clothes, diapers, parenting classes, financial assistance, housing, and so much more to pregnant mothers in need. Resources, support and, perhaps most importantly, love, are at these mothers’ disposal at no cost to them at all.    

What is said on the internet cannot be easily removed. It breaks my heart that one day, any one of the 10,000 babies saved in Texas could view the hurtful reaction of those who have embraced a pro-abortion worldview. Every child deserves to be welcomed, cared for, and loved. To view any child as purely a burden or disappointment is to ignore the inherent value we all possess as human beings. And that value is in no way diminished in those who were mercifully spared from the cruelty of abortion.  


Jeanne Mancini is the president of the March for Life.

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