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I am an economist with research interests in health, education, and crime. I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. I received my Ph.D. from UCLA in 2019, and a MA and BA from Universidad de los Andes.

Working papers

Democracy and The Opioid Epidemic” (with Victoria Barone)

Is it the Message or the Messenger? Examining Movement in Immigration Beliefs” (with Hassan Afrouzi and Emily Weisburst) Supplementary material R&R Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics

A Manufactured Tragedy: The Origins and Deep Ripples of the Opioid Epidemic” (with Victoria Barone) Mentions in media: Vox. submitted


“Parental Incarceration and Children's Educational Attainment” (2021) Forthcoming Review of Economics and Statistics
Mentions in media: WSJ: Real Time Economics / Noah Opinion / Probable Causation/ Foco Economico/ Radio interview (55:20") / Techonomy / Nada Es Gratis

The Effect of Human Capital on Earnings: Evidence from a Reform in Colombia’s top University (2018) Journal of Public Economics. Vol 157, January. pp 212-225
Mentions in media: Financial Times, WSJ: Real Time Economics / Forbes / Bloomberg/ Techonomy/ Brookings/ Courtier en Bourse/ ProMarket / World Bank Newsletter / LiveMint/ DevPolicy

Work in progress

“The Effects of Specialized Domestic Violence Courts” with Gustavo Bobonis, Paola Salardi and Dario Toman

“Health Shocks and the Gender Gap” with Pilar Garcia-Gomez and Natalia Vigezzi