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Washington Examiner
Political news and commentary from the Washington Examiner. washingtonexaminer.com #RestoringAmerica
Media & NewsWashington, DCwashingtonexaminer.comJoined January 2009

Washington Examiner’s Tweets

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Gov. @RonDeSantisFL announces Florida's curriculum will "expressly exclude...Critical Race Theory." “There's no room in our classrooms for things like Critical Race Theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money.”
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Trump: "Which is easier: dealing with the Democrats or dealing with the Middle East." Mnuchin: "...I'll be hopeful that we can deal with the Democrats." Trump: "The Middle East is more reasonable.
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"We are standing up for your values," Trump said closing his rally in Springfield, Missouri. "We are standing up for our national anthem. To continue this momentum, you need to get out and vote Republican. Together we are taking back our country."
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"I've saved all my money. [My daughter] doesn't have any student loans. Am I going to get my money back?" : "Of course not." "So you're going to pay for people who didn't save any money and those of us who did the right thing get screwed."
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"It'd be hard for the Democrats to say, 'well, we started an investigation we shouldn't have and continued it by breaking the rules, but we want to impeach a President for trying to obstruct that investigation that never should've started.'" – @RepRatcliffe
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“Paula, I actually don’t know what’s happened to you, respectfully, I don’t know why you’ve changed... and you’re in the briefing room screaming at Anthony Fauci and the president of the United States."
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"I didn't request to meet with Joe. They requested that I meet with Joe. They were putting their entire family legacy on the line. They knew exactly what they were doing." Tony Bobulinski lays out his meetings with Joe Biden and others in reference to overseas dealings.
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St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who is charging the McCloskeys with felony weapons charges, took several trips funded by an anti-gun liberal group that she failed to disclose, including travel to Portugal. That's a violation of St. Louis law. washex.am/2PajEcM
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Barr: "I'm not sure what your basis is for saying I'm being generous to the President." A reporter then brings up his use of the word "unprecedented." "Is there another precedent for it," Barr asks. "No," the reporter answers. "OK so unprecedented is an accurate description."
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"One of the things that stood out to me was a pattern and practice of harassment against poll watchers. What I read was entirely disturbing." details accusations of harassment, including racism and sexism, against GOP poll watchers in Michigan.
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Video from Hong Kong shows pro-democracy protesters waving American flags and singing the American National Anthem. Demonstrations have shutdown the city's airport for a second consecutive day and put the entire Chinese city on edge.
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Attorney General Bill Barr assures Trump his emergency declaration is constitutional. "The crisis at our southern border is a real, clear and present danger to the American people. What you've done from a legal standpoint is solidly grounded in law and ... and is imperative."