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Leader McConnell
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell Follow &
Washington, DCrepublicanleader.senate.govJoined March 2013

Leader McConnellā€™s Tweets

Just finished a great phone call with . Heā€™s in good spirits and we talked business ā€” especially how impressed Senators are with the qualifications of Judge Barrett. Full steam ahead with the fair, thorough, timely process that the nominee, the Court, & the country deserve.
Hereā€™s how this must work in our great country: Every legal vote should be counted. Any illegally-submitted ballots must not. All sides must get to observe the process. And the courts are here to apply the laws & resolve disputes. That's how Americans' votes decide the result.
There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure. We will not cede our authority to try this impeachment. The House Democratsā€™ turn is over. The Senate has made its decision. This is for the Senate, and the Senate only, to decide.
Just had another great call with . He sounds well and says heā€™s feeling good. We talked about the peopleā€™s business ā€” fighting the pandemic, confirming Judge Barrett, and strengthening the economy for American families. Letā€™s keep our President & First Lady in our prayers.
The winner of the November 3rd election will be inaugurated on January 20th. There will be an orderly transition just as there has been every four years since 1792.
At 9:30am tomorrow morning, on the Senate floor, I will speak about House Democratsā€™ precedent-breaking impeachment of the President of the United States.
Moments like this are what the Senate was made for. The Framers knew the country would need a firewall to keep partisan flames from scorching our Republic. So they created the Senate. Today, we will fulfill this founding purpose.
It is sad to see leading Democrats including some Governors treat the vaccine news like a mixed blessing because it occurred under a Republican administration. Some things must be bigger than politics. Leaders should be cheering this on, not baselessly undermining science.
Today, before the entire world, the greatest nation in history carried out another peaceful transfer of power. Congratulations to President Biden and Vice President Harris. I look forward to working together everywhere we can and differing respectfully when we must.
We must have no stigma, none, about wearing masks when we leave our homes and come near other people. Wearing simple face coverings is not about protecting ourselves, it is about protecting everyone we encounter.
The same Democrats who want to take over everyoneā€™s healthcare and micromanage the entire economy couldnā€™t even organize their own traditional Iowa caucuses?
Itā€™s been four days since the Paycheck Protection Program ran dry. Republicans have been trying to fund this job-saving program for over a week, but Democrats have blocked us. The Senate will meet again tomorrow. I hope my colleagues will finally let this help move forward.
Judge Barrett is just as brilliant and impressive as advertised. She is clearly qualified. Sheā€™s committed to fairness and impartiality. And she clearly understands the job of a judge under the Constitution is to apply the law and not impose personal policy views.
Every time the Trump administration meets Speaker Pelosi halfway on the USMCA, she tries to move the goalposts. The Speaker literally has not even updated her own talking points since Valentineā€™s Day. Textbook obstruction.
Does anyone really think that the same people who called Judge Kavanaugh ā€œevilā€ long before they heard one word of testimony will be satisfied? Itā€™s time to put this embarrassing spectacle behind us, and vote on this impressive, stunningly qualified Supreme Court nominee.
Washington Democrats have been engaged in a three-year-long impeachment parade in search of a rationale. Prominent House Democrats were promising impeachment at the very beginning of this presidency. Fairness and due process are not their objectives here.
More Americans are being laid off every day. More small businesses are being forced to shed payroll every day. Our nurses and doctors need key supplies. Nobody should view this as political opportunity for either side. This is a national emergency. It is time to come together
Judge Barrettā€™s hearings will begin one week from today. Chairman Graham has all the tools to conduct a hybrid hearing, just like the 150 others the Senate has held this year. Ā  We will not stop working for the American people because Democrats are afraid they may lose a vote.
I just filed cloture on Judge Kavanaughā€™s nomination to the Supreme Court. There will be plenty of time for Members to review and be briefed on this supplemental material before a Friday cloture vote.
The Senate just voted to advance one of the most qualified nominees in generations. Judge Barrettā€™s intellectual brilliance, integrity, and commitment to impartiality are above reproach. Tomorrow, we will vote to confirm the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
The Senate just confirmed Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court of the United States. One of the most impressive nominees for public office in a generation will serve for life on our highest court.
Our Senate majority will do exactly the same thing in 2020 that we did in 2016: Follow Senate history, follow the clear precedent in each situation, and do exactly the job we were elected to do. Ā  We are going to vote on President Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court this year.
It will be telling if the House managers try to get the Senate to pre-commit ourselves to supplementing the investigation they themselves oversaw and decided to shut down. Just last week, they said their case as it already exists is ā€œoverwhelmingā€ and ā€œbeyond a reasonable doubt.ā€
Our nation cannot afford this game of chicken. We cannot afford the cynical partisanship. This is a national emergency. Not a partisan opportunity. Doctors, nurses, small business employees, laid-off Americans, and vulnerable seniors need help right now.
The architects of this impeachment claimed they were defending norms and traditions. In reality, it was an assault on both. They attacked due process, the office of the presidency, and the Senateā€™s sole power to try impeachments.
I went into the Senateā€™s consideration of Judge Jacksonā€™s nomination with an open mind. But after studying the nomineeā€™s record and watching her performance this week, I cannot and will not support Judge Jackson for a lifetime appointment to our highest Court.
The time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close. Judge Kavanaugh's nomination is out of committee. We're considering it here on the floor. And we'll be voting this week.
Laid-off workers cannot wait. Struggling Main Street businesses cannot wait. Our hospitals and health centers cannot wait. This crisis is moving fast. The Senate is here, we are working, and we need to deliver.
At last, we have a deal. After days of intense discussions, the Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic. Weā€™re going to pass this legislation later today.
Yesterday, the Speaker celebrated impeachment with souvenir pens, bearing her own golden signature, brought in on silver platters. The Houseā€™s partisan process distilled into one last perfect visual. Not solemn or serious. A transparently political exercise from beginning to end.
BREAKING: The Senate just passed the USMCA. Next stop: ā€™s desk for his signature. Iā€™m grateful to the President for prioritizing this deal and delivering on this major promise. Itā€™s a big win for Kentucky and for American families in all 50 states.
First, Democrats spent weeks saying the House case was totally convincing. Now, the opposite: They say the House case is so thin that if the Senate judges what the House actually voted on, it's a ā€œcover-up." Their own investigation was so shallow that it now equals a ā€œcover-upā€?
The Senate is back in session because we have critically important work to do for the nation. Our bosses are the American people and they are counting on us to keep serving.
Senate Democrats just voted to filibuster the annual funding for the U.S. armed forces. Itā€™s the second time they have blocked defense funding in two months. We canā€™t advance it. Remember when Democrats said their impeachment obsession wouldn't stop them from legislating?
Weā€™ve reached a simple contradiction. The House case cannot be so robust that it was enough to rush into impeachment, and enough for Senate Democrats to start pre-judging guilt, but also so weak that they need the Senate to go fishing. These two stories cannot both be true.
Itā€™s clear Democrats see impeachment as one big political game. Sen. Schumer told reporters that as long as the process hurts Republicans, ā€œitā€™s a win-win.ā€ The country deserves better. Weā€™re overdue for some seriousness and sober judgment. That is what the Senate will bring.
Yesterday, Sen. Schumer decided to vent his frustration by blocking a bipartisan Intelligence Committee meeting on counterintelligence with a leading expert on protecting our elections. A partisan temper tantrum is one thing. Jeopardizing national security is a different story.
Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive jurist and an exceedingly well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court. Ā  A brilliant scholar. An exemplary judge. President Trump could not have made a better decision.
Yesterday, Democrats rejected two more GOP aid proposals in the space of two hours. Iā€™ve proposed we set aside remaining sticking points and pass everything we agree on. They say ā€œno.ā€ And they now admit they blocked aid all summer & fall because there was an upcoming election.
It is my intention that the Senate will not adjourn until we have passed significant and bold new steps, above and beyond what the House passed, to help our strong nation and our strong underlying economy weather this storm.
Enough political spite. Enough showboating for ā€œthe Resistance.ā€ The President has produced a fair compromise that pairs full-year government funding with immigration policy priorities from both sides. Itā€™s time to make a deal.
In order to politically attack one President they do not like, Washington Democrats proved willing to attack our underlying institutions themselves ā€” the House, the Senate, the office of the presidency, and even the Supreme Court. All for short-term partisan gain.
House Democratsā€™ impeachment resolution would just codify their unfair process. Hereā€™s what it contemplates: 1. No due process now 2. Maybe some later 3. But only if they feel like it No American, the president or anyone else, should be subjected to this kind of unfairness.
The Senate will be in session at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Under the regular order, the vote to advance the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court will be at 10:30.
Brett Kavanaugh is one of the most qualified and most impressive Supreme Court nominees in memory. This is a nomination that deserves to move forward -- and that is precisely what is happening.
Today the Senate will vote on a straightforward piece of legislation to protect newborn babies. Let's be clear: The human rights of newborn boys and girls are innate. They donā€™t come and go based on the circumstances of birth. A newborn baby is a newborn baby. Period.
Last night, House Democrats passed the thinnest, weakest presidential impeachment in American history. Now theyā€™re suggesting they are too afraid to even submit their accusations to the Senate and go to trial. The prosecutors are getting cold feet in front of the entire country.
Democrats and their allies are trying to destroy a manā€™s personal and professional life on the basis of unsubstantiated and uncorroborated allegations. This is a smear campaign, pure and simpleā€¦aided and abetted by members of the United States Senate.
Democratsā€™ impeachment has been nakedly partisan from the beginning. Pelosi admits it was in the making years before events with Ukraine. Schumer says that whatever happens, if it helps him politically, itā€™s a ā€œwin-win.ā€ They are playing political games with the Constitution.
There were good reasons why all 100 senators agreed two decades ago that the Senate should not cross these bridges before we came to them. We will not let the architects of the unfair House process convince the Senate to rewrite our rules just for President Trump.
ā€˜This body, this chamber, exists precisely so that we can look past daily dramas and understand how our actions will reverberate for generations. The Houseā€™s hour is over. The Senateā€™s time is at hand. It is time for this proud body to honor our founding purpose.ā€™
Contrary to what the Democratic Leader has tried to claim, he very clearly was not addressing Republican lawmakers. The minority leader of the United States Senate threatened two associate justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. Period.
The confirmation process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, one of the most qualified and most impressive Supreme Court nominees in our nationā€™s history, is moving forward.
Every Senate Democrat just voted against hundreds of billions of dollars of COVID-19 relief. They blocked money for schools, testing, vaccines, unemployment insurance, and the Paycheck Protection Program. Their goal is clear: No help for American families before the election.
These are just some of the unrelated demands Senate Democrats have used to slow relief for workers and families: āœ–ļø Tax credits for solar and wind energy āœ–ļø Special treatment for Big Labor āœ–ļø Airlines' emissions standards This is a crisis. Why is only one side acting like it?
Senate Democrats spent years saying ā€œwhen it comes to Iran, we should never take the military option off the table.ā€ But now, after criticizing the successful strike on Soleimani, they want to pass a resolution to limit President Trumpā€™s authorities.
I hope the American people will look at the cold hard facts of what will happen if the Democratsā€™ advocating for ā€˜The Green New Dealā€™ and ā€˜Medicare for Allā€™ get power. Their goal is to turn America into a socialist country and that is not going to happen on my watch.
Speaker Pelosi is still blocking the USMCA, a major trade deal that would create 176,000 new American jobs. Senate Democrats have filibustered defense funding and blocked a pay raise for our troops. Democrats' impeachment obsession is blocking urgent work for American families.
Democrats claim impeachment wonā€™t keep them from legislating. But Speaker Pelosi has refused to allow a vote on USMCA for months. It appears there's no governing priority ā€“ no matter how bipartisan, no matter how beneficial to Americans ā€“ that won't take a backseat to impeachment
Small business layoffs spiked 1,000% last month. 10% of the U.S. workforce is now jobless. This is no time for political games. I hope Democrats stop blocking more funding for the Paycheck Protection Program very soon. American jobs depend on it.
Republicans tried several ways to extend unemployment benefits. Democrats blocked them all. They're refusing any more COVID relief for anyone unless they get a massive tax cut for rich people in blue states. The country canā€™t afford this cynicism. Americans need help now.
When the noise fades, whatā€™s left is a distinguished nominee with a unanimously well qualified rating from the American Bar Association (the Democratsā€™ gold standard). A man whom peers and colleagues praise in the strongest terms. Thatā€™s Judge Kavanaugh.
Republicans tried to pass more money for Americansā€™ paychecks last week. Democrats blocked it. Speaker Pelosi said she saw ā€œno data as to why we need it." She said "we have time to negotiate.ā€ Democrats did nothing and now the program has shut down.
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BREAKING: Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program is out of money after using up all $350B in funding as more than 1.6M small businesses seek funds.
This is a challenging time to create bipartisan agreement. But the Speaker Pelosi has managed to do the impossible. She has created growing bipartisan unity ā€” in opposition to her own reckless games with impeachment.
Already, House Democratsā€™ impeachment ā€œinquiryā€ is violating norms and precedent. They are denying Republicans and President Trump the same rights that Democrats and President Clinton received during those impeachment proceedings.
Today, Iā€™d especially like to wish our Kentuckians in uniform, and all American servicemembers stationed abroad, a very Merry Christmas. As we celebrate the birth of His son, may God continue to bless the nation they serve. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Rewarding Democratsā€™ tactics now would not stop their attacks on our institutions. Their threats predate this new vacancy by over a year. Their recklessness only underscores the importance that we do our job and confirm a nominee who truly respects the Constitution.
Democrats have delayed aid for months over non-COVID-related liberal demands. Last night, Leader Schumer even tried to adjourn the Senate for three weeks. Americans need help; Democrats just want to go home. We are voting on more aid this week.
Iā€™m glad the Speaker may finally be realizing she never had any ā€œleverageā€ to dictate Senate procedure to Senators. The Senate was never going to pre-commit ourselves to redoing the prosecutorsā€™ homework for them.
Months ago, skeptics dismissed President Trumpā€™s aggressive timelines for vaccines. But our scientists are making history, with a huge assist from Operation Warp Speed. It's sped up research & laid groundwork for fast distribution once a vaccine is confirmed safe and effective.
Democrats say theyā€™ll try everything to stall Judge Barrett. The latest excuse: Hybrid hearings with some virtual participation are suddenly bad.Ā  The Senate has held 150 of these hybrid hearings since May. Democrats have taken advantage of the tools. Theyā€™ve praised the format.
Letā€™s not end this year the way it began: Another shutdown over the issue of illegal immigration because the Democrats are unwilling to support common-sense measures. I am proud to vote for the additional border security that the House added to government funding legislation.
My Democrat friends might want to consider this from then-Judiciary Committee Chairman JOE BIDEN (D-DE) In 1991: The ā€˜FBI Explicitly Does Not, In This Or Any Other Case Reach A Conclusion, Periodā€™
The Senate has confirmed President Trumpā€™s judicial nominees at a historic pace ā€“ 84 total, including Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, 29 circuit judges, and 53 district court judges.
Even today, the Speaker and her allies keep contradicting themselves. They say their case is already ā€œoverwhelming,ā€ ā€œbeyond any reasonable doubt.ā€ But they also keep asking the Senate to re-do their homework and add to the investigation that House Democrats rushed to close.
In December, House Democrats pulled the plug on their investigation and impeached because they said it was urgent & they had already proven their case. But now theyā€™ve delayed for weeks to insist that the Senate re-open their inquiry. So ā€“ neither urgent nor persuasive?
Some Democrats are also threatening to ā€œpackā€ the Supreme Court if they donā€™t get the rulings they want. These attacks on judicial independence are not normal politics. My Republican colleagues and I will fight to preserve a fair and independent judiciary.
After the FBI shares what theyā€™ve found, Senators will have the opportunity to vote. Weā€™ll have the opportunity to vote ā€œnoā€ on the politics of personal destruction. Weā€™ll have the opportunity to vote ā€œyesā€ on this fine nominee.
While we wait for our Democratic colleagues to let this legislation move forward, the Senateā€™s used the time to confirm more of President Trumpā€™s impressive nominees for the federal courts. Totals since January 2017: Supreme Court: 2 Circuit courts: 48 District courts: 120
Saturdayā€™s vote to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh was also a victory for the Senate, and for the integrity of our institution. Justice Kavanaugh will be a thoughtful, fair-minded justice whoā€™s committed to applying our laws and Constitution as they are actually written.
Today, tens of thousands of peace officers gathered in our nationā€™s capital to honor the service and sacrifice of their fallen brothers and sisters in uniform. I was proud to cosponsor the resolution designating this week as ā€˜National Police Week.ā€™
Last week, Judge Barrett proved she has the deep legal expertise, judicial temperament, and intellectual horsepower that Americans deserve to have on the Supreme Court. The Senate will turn to her nomination as soon as it comes out of committee later this week.
The Democratic Leader and the ranking Democrat on the Committee both said recently that an FBI investigation can be completed in less than a week. Let me make a small prediction -- soon enough the goalposts will be on the move once again.
Tomorrow, the Senate will put a stop to this reckless and partisan abuse of power by the House majority. I urge every one of my colleagues to cast the vote that the facts in evidence, the Constitution, & the common good clearly require. Vote to acquit the President.
Thereā€™s a fact of life here in the United States Senate: It takes 60 votes to legislate. So the American people cannot get any of the additional relief that Republicans want to give them unless Democrats will come to the table.